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new trial admins

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Elite Poster
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5:31 AM
Jul 21, 2010
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this is unofficial

i was wondering...if you could nominate a person to be considered as one of the trial admins who would it be?


Forum Rookie
Local time
8:01 PM
May 8, 2011
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Bitch please im homeless



P.S.: New admins should be told that giving them admin status doesn't mean they have to start picking on every word and every move that players on server make. The atmosphere on the server is very chilled out at the moment, even if rules (mostly the language rule) are broken. New admins shouldn't disturb that. I don't even think we need more admins, i think we just need quality admins. Yes, that means some of the current admins must go.


Forum Newbie
Local time
8:01 PM
Apr 18, 2012
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If the question was " who don't you want as trial admin " this post would be full of names !!! loll


The only person in my opinion, which would be the right persons right now would be Max (not MaximumD2, i mean the 360 one) and Kurk.
About Max: He is a friendly guy, smart and is always neutral. He doesnt caused in any problems. He could hit fair decision and plays bfv almost every day, so he would be an active admin.

About Kurk: Same, aslong you dont provocacte Kurk, he is friendly and as we see on the forums always neutral.
He is aswell smart and helped many people with his big pc knowledge. Some people might see him as a troll, but he says just the fact. For some people truth might hurt, but thruth is thruth.. .

As we say Hello Clan didnt always choose the right admins in the past (byrd.. (and some before my time) ), but with Kurk and Max you cant make any mistakes. They would fit in the admin position.
We need mature and neutral admins which can hit the right decision and not go as a admin (someone who has responsibilty) after people.
We cant afford that kind of admins.

I dont really think anyone else would be an better candidate.
But well, its the leader decision.

PS: If you dont choose them, try to choose an admin which doesnt have the attitude "now i am an admin, now i am a boss, i can do now what i want, if you dare to say anything against me, i will ban you. And he should accept the tips of another admins, and not think, i can do what i want, every decision i meet is right (like byrd (dont want to name more names) ).


Forum Newbie
Local time
3:01 PM
Jun 22, 2010
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... i never seen anyone cheat on BFV, its just there to good for the game, like ted when he goes hunting in BFV


Soldier said:
The only person in my opinion, which would be the right persons right now would be Max (not MaximumD2, i mean the 360 one)...
About Max: He is a friendly guy, smart and is always neutral. He doesnt caused in any problems. He could hit fair decision and plays bfv almost every day, so he would be an active admin.
I coincidentally made some screenshots of Max (not MaximumD2, i mean the 360 one) today.

http://s14.directupload.net/file/d/2892 ... r_jpg.htm#

http://s14.directupload.net/file/d/2892 ... g_jpg.htm#

Well, he's demanding to be creative. Maybe that shows some sort of smartness. hammer00

P.S.: Soldier, do you still bait players by using an anonymous name and provoking them to have a reason to ban them?


MurdertoDeath said:
Soldier said:
The only person in my opinion, which would be the right persons right now would be Max (not MaximumD2, i mean the 360 one)...
About Max: He is a friendly guy, smart and is always neutral. He doesnt caused in any problems. He could hit fair decision and plays bfv almost every day, so he would be an active admin.
I coincidentally made some screenshots of Max (not MaximumD2, i mean the 360 one) today.

http://s14.directupload.net/file/d/2892 ... r_jpg.htm#

http://s14.directupload.net/file/d/2892 ... g_jpg.htm#

Well, he's demanding to be creative. Maybe that shows some sort of smartness. hammer00

P.S.: Soldier, do you still bait players by using an anonymous name and provoking them to have a reason to ban them?

As i can see on the 2nd screenshot, he got provocated by Sassi (which had a high rank in the sexy clan).
It happens that people insult back in the same niveau.
And seriously, you are a troll "Soldier, do you still bait players by using an anonymous name and provoking them to have a reason to ban them?".
Are you kidding me? I saw that you have complained that you was banned and i saw that you accused me, but i didnt really care.
But btw, i was suprised that you got banned at that time and i would like to know who it was, so i did log in at the BFRM (i couldnt have been it, i was playing intensive Minecraft when the new server opened, i wasnt on the admin programm for a while and i was hardly playing bfv). I didnt even see your name (and i did check the ban list soon after you posted it) and i didnt really saw your name.
First, if i would have anything against you, i would take any actions about your behaviour, but no, i dont go after people.
So its better, for you and me, to forget the dispute (or to be exact: your own which you started) and go ahead (i got some logs of the day from SAS Elite Soldier, dont bring me to post them).. .


PS: Its interesting that you come with the screenshots after he told you in the forums some likethat you have to shut up (i dont want to search for the post, but you do know it..)
very interesting..
but same, i dont recognize you two as a victim in the case "Blackhawk".
And btw, you try to be kurk, but how about if you first do something usefull and help other people before you get kurk.. .
Happy Shooting! ;)


Soldier said:
As i can see on the 2nd screenshot, he got provocated by Sassi (which had a high rank in the sexy clan).
It happens that people insult back in the same niveau.
An admin (and those who are suggested for being admin) should always show some sort of maturity. They should never be insulting. It's sad that you defend his behavior. As an admin you should know better!
Soldier said:
And seriously, you are a troll "Soldier, do you still bait players by using an anonymous name and provoking them to have a reason to ban them?".
Are you kidding me? I saw that you have complained that you was banned and i saw that you accused me, but i didnt really care.
But btw, i was suprised that you got banned at that time and i would like to know who it was, so i did log in at the BFRM (i couldnt have been it, i was playing intensive Minecraft when the new server opened, i wasnt on the admin programm for a while and i was hardly playing bfv). I didnt even see your name (and i did check the ban list soon after you posted it) and i didnt really saw your name.
Well, that's because i was never banned, but wanted to know who kicked me. And for your interest, i called easting a hacker (i won't push this argument any longer, because it's useless) and he just kicked me (...talking about good and bad admins...).

Soldier said:
First, if i would have anything against you, i would take any actions about your behaviour, but no, i dont go after people.
It's good to hear that you have nothing against me, but believe me dude i have something against your behavior! I already told you what i think about it.
Soldier said:
So its better, for you and me, to forget the dispute
You already begged me to forget it back then, but i won't forget it as you might have noticed!
Soldier said:
(or to be exact: your own which you started) and go ahead (i got some logs of the day from SAS Elite Soldier, dont bring me to post them).. .
Logs are only useful if they come in a format where they can't be edited. Let's see if you have the proudness to bring an unedited version. Feel free to bring the logs! I demand it!

Soldier said:
PS: Its interesting that you come with the screenshots after he told you in the forums some likethat you have to shut up (i dont want to search for the post, but you do know it..)
very interesting..
There's nothing interesting about it. I wanted to show the community that your opinion shouldn't matter.

Soldier said:
And btw, you try to be kurk, but how about if you first do something usefull and help other people before you get kurk.. .
Happy Shooting! ;)
If i can help Kurk to get your admin position then I'm happy.


Forum Newbie
Local time
8:01 PM
Apr 18, 2012
Reaction score
New admins should
1st be a member of HELLOCLAN ..
2nd.. or any player that will join -[HELLO]- for admin purposes. It's also part of promoting our clan. (No outside clan member as admins). Otherwise rendered decisions could "lead to/judged/interpreted" as clan favoritism. We dont want to open another can of worms.
Some1 who's posted here before and as a prooven record that he/she can be objective in his/her comments on any topic.
Some1 with a few years gaming experience whos often on hello.server and prooven respect for other players (no name calling etc etc).
He/she can bring new ideas.
Being an admin is not about policing or going on witch hunts as some may believe. Its about bringing people together.

For the moment..
in any case i'd vote for Rbilly.


MurdertoDeath said:
Soldier said:
As i can see on the 2nd screenshot, he got provocated by Sassi (which had a high rank in the sexy clan).
It happens that people insult back in the same niveau.
An admin (and those who are suggested for being admin) should always show some sort of maturity. They should never be insulting. It's sad that you defend his behavior. As an admin you should know better!
Soldier said:
And seriously, you are a troll "Soldier, do you still bait players by using an anonymous name and provoking them to have a reason to ban them?".
Are you kidding me? I saw that you have complained that you was banned and i saw that you accused me, but i didnt really care.
But btw, i was suprised that you got banned at that time and i would like to know who it was, so i did log in at the BFRM (i couldnt have been it, i was playing intensive Minecraft when the new server opened, i wasnt on the admin programm for a while and i was hardly playing bfv). I didnt even see your name (and i did check the ban list soon after you posted it) and i didnt really saw your name.
Well, that's because i was never banned, but wanted to know who kicked me. And for your interest, i called easting a hacker (i won't push this argument any longer, because it's useless) and he just kicked me (...talking about good and bad admins...).

Soldier said:
First, if i would have anything against you, i would take any actions about your behaviour, but no, i dont go after people.
It's good to hear that you have nothing against me, but believe me dude i have something against your behavior! I already told you what i think about it.
Soldier said:
So its better, for you and me, to forget the dispute
You already begged me to forget it back then, but i won't forget it as you might have noticed!
Soldier said:
lol, i didnt beg for anything..

(or to be exact: your own which you started) and go ahead (i got some logs of the day from SAS Elite Soldier, dont bring me to post them).. .
Logs are only useful if they come in a format where they can't be edited. Let's see if you have the proudness to bring an unedited version. Feel free to bring the logs! I demand it!

Soldier said:
PS: Its interesting that you come with the screenshots after he told you in the forums some likethat you have to shut up (i dont want to search for the post, but you do know it..)
very interesting..
There's nothing interesting about it. I wanted to show the community that your opinion shouldn't matter.

Soldier said:
And btw, you try to be kurk, but how about if you first do something usefull and help other people before you get kurk.. .
Happy Shooting! ;)
If i can help Kurk to get your admin position then I'm happy.

Many admins does not like you and for a reason.
You cant call an admin an "hacker" in a public chat, offcourse it will be intrepet as trolling and offcourse you will get kicked for it. If you think that an admin hacks, its better to give an proof (if you have one which i doubt) and tell it an leader.
I didnt beg for anything, be happy i am a person which doesnt get anything serious and i dont want, thats why i am admin.
"Logs are only useful if they come in a format where they can't be edited. Let's see if you have the proudness to bring an unedited version. Feel free to bring the logs! I demand it!"
First, i am a man with pride and many knows it here. And it would bring me in a bad way if i would put edited logs (other admins have a full version of it, so i dont think the logs would be wrong).
It seems you dont have any character and no respect to any admins or at any authorites anywhere.
But i am not your parents, and i know that you cant help that you didnt get the right education.
I dont know where you come from and from which conditions, but i would have no reason to edit as an trusted admin the logs.
You have proofed many times in the server (and the complains about you) that you are a troll and its the time to clean them and make a good atmosphere (dont worry, i collect evidences).
But its interesting how you dont say anthing when i join the server (dont worry, i can see stuff on the logs before i join the server ;).
And i dont have to beg for anything, because i can not loose my admin ship. Why? Because i do my job right. And if i would do anything, its ok, they can take my adminship, but i wont beg for anything (its not my attitude).
I kept myself out and was neutral, but i know that you was surely (i wasnt active at bfv at that time) was the one which started with provocating blackhawk/bojangles.
They did even posted some evidences.
You did say they didnt post the whole conversation, well, where are your fully screenshots where you can see the conversation (like the one which you posted about max), you only post 1 side of the story, very interesting.

"If i can help Kurk to get your admin position then I'm happy.".
I know my son that you want that i loose my admin position since i warned you for provocating.
Global] http://www.ubuntu.com/tour: who knows HELLO-Soldier?
13-02-2012 15:58:25 : # [Global] player_1: server / Admins ban u
13-02-2012 15:58:55 : # [Global] Fuck This: are you a little baby?
13-02-2012 15:58:55 : # [Global] scud: bitxh
13-02-2012 15:58:55 : # [Global] *L.B.Beli*LEADER*: Dario jeli si odlican vrlo dobar u skoli brate
13-02-2012 15:58:55 : # [Global] player_1: oh didums wee child of sATAN
13-02-2012 15:58:55 : # [Global] http://www.ubuntu.com/tour: i dont want HELLO-Soldier to be admin anymore

I got the log part from EliteSoldier, because i didnt had access at that time.
It was 2 hours after i joined with another name, and i didnt provocate you. But before you knew i was him (i preteded to be the brother of him, because i wanted to see your real behavior and reaction, and it was interesting, very interesting). Before i even told you it was me, EliteSoldier found an interesting chat log (dont worry, i knew you would come up with this, so i asked SAS for giving me the parts of logs).
The logs are from as you see from February. I found on the x-fire chatlog between SAS and me, if needed he will confess that this log are original. (to make the post as short as possible, i have put the chatlog between us away, but if needed to proof the truth, i will post that too)
And if you dont have any pride or moral, you will claim they are wrong, but i will tell SAS to take a look on this.
But that are just one of a few evidences on how you try to destroy people, or how you troll and insult on the server.
Or there was one log part where you tried (AHIF Schmerzpfleger, or something like that, a german player) to get to post at blackhawks report about you for your side.
I am still watching through the logs to find it.

Your character is very interseting how you dare to lie and try to destroy me, very interesting, you use 1 thing against me, very very intersting my son.
Because we are sick of the blackhawk/bojangles/ubuntu story, we didnt care much about it and admin werent active at the time.
But from now i will take a look on the logs and be more active on the Remote Manager.

You should better reduce your trolling on the forums (and on the server) before an Moderator bans you.
Sure, we have here a freedom of speach and no one trys to stop you talking, but you cross the boarder of it, and you start to troll against admins. (eastings, freshblood (last post which he locked), me and many other..).
As i said, i will take a look on the logs often now, but you are smart enough and will be quite and thats good.
So next time, before you plan to say anything against me, dont lie and come with evidences if you have any.
Good night ;)

PS: That you try to remove me as admin only shows your character and you wont reach anything with it.
But it still interesting how some people are if you point them to the rules.
But good to see how you are and you put yourself more and more into a bad light.

Oh, and i forgot almost.
You have claimed you was 2 months not in BFV, not really true (i only did keep me out at the post). It might be true that you took a break, but a guy (surely you) trolled me and asked me, as i could saw on the next map and on the logs he was german, he did ask me why i am not hello member anymore.
I will later check if his ip/key hash fits with your one.


Soldier said:
Many admins does not like you and for a reason.
Soldier said:
You cant call an admin an "hacker" in a public chat, offcourse it will be intrepet as trolling and offcourse you will get kicked for it.
Of course i can! That he kicked me only proves his weakness and that he was wrong.

Soldier said:
If you think that an admin hacks, its better to give an proof (if you have one which i doubt) and tell it an leader.
Well, i agree on that. My fault. That's why i downloaded a screenshot program.

Soldier said:
I didnt beg for anything, be happy i am a person which doesnt get anything serious and i dont want, thats why i am admin.
You begged to forget the issue.

Soldier said:
First, i am a man with pride and many knows it here. And it would bring me in a bad way if i would put edited logs (other admins have a full version of it, so i dont think the logs would be wrong).
It seems you dont have any character and no respect to any admins or at any authorites anywhere.
But i am not your parents, and i know that you cant help that you didnt get the right education.
You don't have to be insulting. It puts a bad light on you. Maybe you take this advice from me.

Soldier said:
But its interesting how you dont say anthing when i join the server (dont worry, i can see stuff on the logs before i join the server ;).
Why don't you just give evidence? Actually i don't have an eye on who joins and who leaves and stuff. This sounds just like a far-fetched argument to me.

Soldier said:
I kept myself out and was neutral, but i know that you was surely (i wasnt active at bfv at that time) was the one which started with provocating blackhawk/bojangles.
You kept yourself out? Unfortunately it's too easy to prove the opposite!
You even defended me!
But hey, if you can use it against me, then you just forget the details, right?

Soldier said:
Or there was one log part where you tried (AHIF Schmerzpfleger, or something like that, a german player) to get to post at blackhawks report about you for your side.
Maybe you have noticed that Schmerzpfleger is one of my friends and i just asked him to give his honest opinion on this topic. I even told him not to post, because the situation was chilling down.
Do you think it's a coincidence that Bojangles shows up after Blackhawk made a comment and vice versa? The difference was that they were lying and coordinated their lies.

Soldier said:
Your character is very interseting how you dare to lie and try to destroy me, very interesting, you use 1 thing against me, very very intersting my son.
I'm not trying to destroy you. I want you to apologize for your behavior. I even told you that a few months ago. You refused to apologize and so i have to say you're not worth to be admin.

Soldier said:
You should better reduce your trolling on the forums (and on the server) before an Moderator bans you.
This shows how desperate you are. You threaten me, because you have nothing that you can use against me.

Soldier said:
Sure, we have here a freedom of speach and no one trys to stop you talking, but you cross the boarder of it, and you start to troll against admins. (eastings, freshblood (last post which he locked), me and many other..).

I'm cool with both of them. If i said easting is a hacker, then i had good reason to say that. I wasn't the only one.

Soldier said:
Oh, and i forgot almost.
You have claimed you was 2 months not in BFV, not really true (i only did keep me out at the post). It might be true that you took a break, but a guy (surely you) trolled me and asked me, as i could saw on the next map and on the logs he was german, he did ask me why i am not hello member anymore.
I will later check if his ip/key hash fits with your one.
Maybe you should check your "evidence" before you accuse someone of something. I was definitely not into the game for 2 months. I'm sure you'll find that out, won't you (you man of pride)?


You are not worth my time.
You are a TROLL!
I wont discuss with you, not at all!
As i said, i didnt beg for anything and i wont apologize for anything, because i didnt do anything wrong.
You should have been the one which had to apologize, because you insulted my mother and me.
Next time you break the rule or insult me one more again, warn/kick/ban.
You have disrespected an admin. Its not our job to play the baby sitter for trolls. Learn to respect authorities.
Take it as a warning. I will start to play now bfv more often and take an eye on your actions.
Thats my last post that i reply on your statements at this topic.


Soldier said:
You are not worth my time.
You are a TROLL!
I wont discuss with you, not at all!
As i said, i didnt beg for anything and i wont apologize for anything, because i didnt do anything wrong.
You should have been the one which had to apologize, because you insulted my mother and me.
Next time you break the rule or insult me one more again, warn/kick/ban.
You have disrespected an admin. Its not our job to play the baby sitter for trolls. Learn to respect authorities.
Take it as a warning. I will start to play now bfv more often and take an eye on your actions.
Thats my last post that i reply on your statements at this topic.
The irony is that YOU are a TROLL. An admin troll! I understand you wanted to gain some plus points, because the clanleaders suspended you, but joining the server with a weird name and provoking/trolling players with the intention to ban them afterwards is definitely the wrong way to do that!
As I've seen you now accusing me with false and kinda paranoia accusations i must say I'm now even more convinced that you have to be removed from your admin position. This time you shouldn't be suspended, you have to be completely removed! You could have just apologized to troll and provoke me back then, but no, you just give me more reasons to dislike you. Maybe if you grow older you will understand your mistakes. In fact you are still very young. I hope you will learn what respect means. Other players here with the same age already know that.

Please do me just one favor. Don't suggest people for admin that are completely unsuitable. And please stop defending their bad behavior even though it's an evidence that you behave the same way like you did when you trolled me with that weird name! I don't want to have admins who call other players faggots and dumb fucks. We need quality admins (as I've said before).


BlackHawk0012 said:
People demanded to ban Bojangles for these posts, because most of the screenshots were fakes. Admin even locked the topic, because it was rubbish. He and his pal Blackhawk were banned many many times and i think it wouldn't be a good idea that Blackhawk's best friend becomes admin. Blackhawk is very quiet at the moment and one of the reasons for that is that he knows that he can't afford another ban.

I nominate another player to become admin. I already suggested Kurk. I also suggest Schmerzpfleger. Both would be perfect for being admin.
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