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Unbanned please

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I really like your server, and i try to obide by rules as much as i can, please one more try :*


Forum Newbie
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7:03 PM
Aug 9, 2010
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I dont think he deserved the ban and i am against the ban.
Thats normal talk on the server or now we want to forbid people to express their opinion and their feelings. Byrd tried that, and we all saw that wont work for a long time.
Aslong they dont insult people and aslong they limit it, it should be ok.
We are all humans and we all does mistakes. And Osama bin Smokin is not a bad guy, his language is questionable and i dont really like it but i think he should get a second chance. As i said, we are humans and we do mistakes, thats why we admins are here. At this case a 1 day ban would be enough and he would be quite then for a few days/weeks.
Thats why we admins are here, we do our job. Banning someone permanent from the most popular server for a little issue is crazy. That would mean we forbid him to play (in 1.2 and in the whole game, the Hello Server is the most popular, biggest and fun server.) the game.
Well, not always easy, but its our job to act like babysitter, imagine you would be in his situation and you would be perm. banned?
Compared to Blackhawk and some other people, he did get only 1 chance. Blackhawk did do much shit, and we did tolerate it for a LOOONG while, so why dont we give him again a last chance on probation?
I advice you to think about it.

PS: For all people who were for his ban, i dont want to name names. Imagine you would be in his situation.. . We should not act that careless and arrogant. He played long time before he was banned and he rarely said anything.
But Blackhawk started to spam from the day he plays there and he got so many chances and we did tolerate this kid for a long time. So i think Osama Bin Smoking should get his last chance.


Forum Rookie
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7:03 PM
Jan 22, 2012
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New York
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Dakota Matthie
He was on probation and knew it. Yet he is calling people "fucking queers". I Was on KGC earlier and it didn't appear he has learned anything yet. Perm ban is a perm ban no exeptions. Right?


bumblebee said:
He was on probation and knew it. Yet he is calling people "fucking queers". I Was on KGC earlier and it didn't appear he has learned anything yet. Perm ban is a perm ban no exeptions. Right?

hmmh, we had many trolls, and hardcore trolls like "Blackhawk" and so on. We did tolerate toxic behaving for a long time, but Osama just did feel our anger. But well, i think bb that should be an admin discussion, but offcourse feel free to post your opinion.
I think we should get an own admin forum (i think CommandoBeta has suggested it once too).


Forum Newbie
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7:03 PM
Jun 28, 2010
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Dante's 6th pit of hell
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Aoustino Rufrano
Oh dear God. It's a bloody game, people. So the guy called some people fucking queers. Whoop-di-fucking-do. IT offends you that much that you are going to ban him for something EVERYBODY on the server does when you're not there. Have you guys ever gone in there undercover and notice how much shit goes on in there? Seriously, stop PMSing about little shit and just focus on hackers. Insulting will always be there and no matter how much you try to curb it, it will end up either just coming back or killing the community.


Forum Rookie
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Dec 22, 2010
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Andrew Welch

Old Hippo

Kurk said:
Have you guys ever gone in there undercover and notice how much shit goes on in there?
It's called logs Kurk.

Seriously, stop PMSing about little shit and just focus on hackers.
I thought it was impossible to fairly ban hackers, according to you of course...?

Insulting will always be there and no matter how much you try to curb it, it will end up either just coming back or killing the community.
Isn't it possible that a server where people are allowed to insult others freely is a place many people don't want to be? And for "it will end up just coming back," you could say the same thing about hackers. It all detracts from the game, and there is nothing wrong with trying to stop it, even if you can never completely eradicate the behavior.

As far as Osama's ban goes, I don't have a problem with "giving him another chance" if he actually understands that what he did was against server rules. From what he has said, he thinks that it is "not insulting technically." If you want to convince people to give you an unban, first own up to what you did and then don't do it again.


Forum Newbie
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7:03 PM
Jun 28, 2010
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Dante's 6th pit of hell
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Aoustino Rufrano
Deadly_Hippo said:
Seriously, stop PMSing about little shit and just focus on hackers.
I thought it was impossible to fairly ban hackers, according to you of course...?
I rarely, if ever, play the game any more. Admins need something to do and if you feel you're getting owned too much you should ban them for hacking. Simple. Hacking > insulting.

Also, you people don't even know how to access the server manager logs half the time(if any) so you're missing a shit ton otherwise.

Old Hippo

Kurk said:
[Admins need something to do and if you feel you're getting owned too much you should ban them for hacking. Simple.

I'll just interpret it as trolling.


Forum Newbie
Local time
7:03 PM
Jun 28, 2010
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Dante's 6th pit of hell
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Aoustino Rufrano
Deadly_Hippo said:
Kurk said:
[Admins need something to do and if you feel you're getting owned too much you should ban them for hacking. Simple.

I'll just interpret it as trolling.
Good jobs. Mostly because I come from a clan where there are no rules for anyone and don't actually give a crap what the admins/players do.


Elite Poster
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4:33 AM
Jul 21, 2010
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as u can appreciate we are all differnent, and even servers and forums and games are differnt. The fact is.. we want ppl to behave in a certain way as not to interfere with others ppls good experiences on our server, like giving your friends cover, picking then up or spotting targets for them are some examples. The hello community is a evolving group, and as a group , we dont want ppl to be consistently speaking to ppl like osama does.. i know admins arent on all the times, and ppl get frustrated that others get away with saying something offensive.. but the fact is this guy has been banned multiple times... not once or twice.. i think we upto 4 or 5 for what he does.. if i come to your house , i would follow your rules... these are our rules...

You say hes we liked, but a troublemaker at school for eg is always well liked... admins spend alot of time dealing with ppl like this.. i recommended a 3 month ban.. its been too easy for him to get unbanned so he doesnt change his behaviour. AXL got a ban for about 2 months i think because he wouldnot stop sexually insulting ppl, but hes cleaned up his act.. i would like to see osama do the same.. but has he had enough chances?


Forum Rookie
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Jan 22, 2012
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New York
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Dakota Matthie
but the insulting is down a ton.

Dafuq have u been. I got home from practice earlier got on server and watched 2 guys calling each other fags. The funny thing is their were 2 admins ingame at the time and i even pointed it out several times. Did anything get done? NO. So i would say the insulting is not down any. Just not as much noob talk from toxic.


Forum Newbie
Local time
7:03 PM
Aug 9, 2010
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toxic isnt banned lol

ill leave this one up to fresh


Please guys one more try...i don't think you understand me, i really do play this game for fun and not to ruin it, (well maybe for the other team), im a very team oriented player when talking in team chat i am always respectful and informative to teammates, the rest of the lines in general chat like "i play for medals you play for fun" i smile when i say it, i really don't think im the shit in this game, also sometimes i may be drinking or smoking and someone gets me talking i can get carried away, your server only place i really want to play, but i think we got off on the wrong foot fresh blood, that said im very competitive in anything i do, and being able to type and kill can be distracting to others who cannot do that as well, when they are trying to respond. Im sorry for what its worth


This will be my 3rd time banned but i will explain, the first time Soldier was the one to ban me, we had a huge misunderstanding.
"I wanted to accept your apologize and unban you after 24 hours even you called me an "pisswhore". I want to point out there was a guy named pisswhore in the game which i can provide with logs posted here.

I thought pisswhore was an admin who kicked me as you can see from the log

31.01.2012 09:21:37 : # [Global] http://www.ubuntu.com/tour: nah dont ban him
31.01.2012 09:21:41 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: apisswhore you fucking bitch
31.01.2012 09:21:42 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: ban me
31.01.2012 09:21:42 : # [Global] http://www.ubuntu.com/tour: Osama is alright
31.01.2012 09:21:47 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: kick me while imin first
31.01.2012 09:21:50 : # [Global] pisswhore: lol
31.01.2012 09:21:50 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: after i ahven't said shit
31.01.2012 09:21:51 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: uck you
31.01.2012 09:21:52 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: all
31.01.2012 09:21:55 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: ban me
31.01.2012 09:21:58 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: fuck all of you

i admit over the line, but i was talking to pisswhore and i thought he kicked me because i was very far ahead in first and wanting a gold medal.

31.01.2012 09:14:45 : # [Global] pisswhore: u let it go to ur fat head
31.01.2012 09:14:55 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: to some music
31.01.2012 09:15:07 : # [Global] Daddy.dk: lol
31.01.2012 09:15:08 : # [Global] pisswhore: infact i encourage it
31.01.2012 09:15:42 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: ok
31.01.2012 09:15:46 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: I JUST WANNA DANCE
31.01.2012 09:16:30 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: MOVE YA HIPS SHAKE YA ASS
31.01.2012 09:16:51 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: pisswhore tried to run me over
31.01.2012 09:16:54 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: not nice
31.01.2012 09:17:03 : # [Global] pisswhore: im pissed what cn i say
31.01.2012 09:17:20 : # [RED] Osama_bin_Smokin: \tank
31.01.2012 09:17:21 : # [RED] Osama_bin_Smokin: lol
31.01.2012 09:17:25 : # [RED] pisswhore: get in hoe

As you can see huge misunderstanding between soldier and I. Soldier and I i have since made ammends and i consider a friend now.

Second banning by easting, justified i was probably really getting to him because he is a very good admin.

Third was by Fresh Blood i think, or Max both were on, i deserved it because i was provoking fresh blood.

That is just to give you my schedule of bans its only been 3 times counting this one. And eastings was a 1 day ban for me because me and and guy named Tater got into it. So 1 misunderstanding, 1 one day ban, and the third one i deserved, but i apologize for provoking the admins, i wouldn't waste my time posting those logs if I really didn't enjoy playing on the server.


Elite Poster
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4:33 AM
Jul 21, 2010
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ok well none of that makes sense to me... :tired: ... i didnt think you were provking me when u said what u said to me.. (just ur insulting way from what ive been reading in the forums) showing the classy guy i am.. i just calmly pointed out to you were insulting ppl while u are fresh back from unban and i knew, and mentioned that i was a admin aswell to try and shock u into cleaning up ur act , because if i was a small man i could have easily dragged you through the mud. I have never reacted to something u have said to me or bannned u personally.. But others seem to have a problem with how u handle yourslef/play, including admins.This is going to set a precedent if i imeadiatly unban u, and you dont learn anything, so u will have to be banned for a longer period.

it is possible to play with out spamming in the chat... (which is typing alot of mesgs in chat) and getn into probs with the nice admins..

i think u get a 3 month ban, one month for each ban youve had already.
Local time
8:03 PM
Jan 23, 2012
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Holy shizer!!! 3 month ban!!! Osama may as well find a new game to play bud.
Cant find the logs for the subject but i do believe it was Gunrunner saying how this game has a limited amount of players. Banning for that long only depletes the small crowd thats already BFV.
And for Soldier and Bumble Bee, Please leave my name out of these topics...especially if they arent about me.
I was banned for some bs, but i wont get into that, thats another deal.
I agree with Kurk 110%
Theres simply not enough players to continue to ban people for a month or 2 months or 3 months...
FOCUS on the people who hack instead of the insults just a bit more.
Played with WONHUNGLOW lately?? ANYONE?? people still dont think hes hacking... Was with Easting AND Soldier 2 nights ago, and last night BOTH of these guys are admins, AGREE that hes a fkn joke, the guys so easy to see hes hacking, and you cant ban... for one, the xfire videos wont upload anymore so u can forget about catching him that way. If more than ONE admin can spec him, and clearly see that hes hacking... fucking ban him.
That should go for ANYONE hacking...
Less bans for people talking will keep more folks in the server!
I think osama should be UNBANNED. UNBANNED. UNBANNED.
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