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Osama Bin Smoking

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Admin: Soldier
Banned Player: Osama_Bin_Smoking
Reason: insulting,chat spam
Actions Taken: Warn,Warn,Kick,Warn,Warn,Kick,Warn,Ban
Here are the logs:
1.part (sadly i did kick someone accidently,i apologized and as he said it was all ok)
31.01.2012 02:06:56 : # [Global] Secret_Treaties: almost got u with the 9 player haha
31.01.2012 02:07:15 : # [RED] Osama_bin_Smokin: OMG YOU PASSED IT LOOK AROUND
31.01.2012 02:07:24 : # [Global] Inashack: where is that fucking chopper support
31.01.2012 02:07:28 : # [RED] TheNME: their spawn cube is in D7
31.01.2012 02:07:31 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: didn't see it and he 10 gusu spawning from it
31.01.2012 02:07:32 : # [Global] Inashack: what faggot is in the huey
31.01.2012 02:07:37 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: fucking frustrating
31.01.2012 02:07:51 : # [Global] >AcE< Austin: ns
31.01.2012 02:07:56 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: have a box in between you
31.01.2012 02:08:03 : # [Global] Devil0700: LOL
31.01.2012 02:08:07 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: guys they layig nea your box kill them
31.01.2012 02:08:14 : # [Global] Devil0700: awesome zsu skillz ;)
31.01.2012 02:08:18 : # [BLUE] =NZ=FLYING KIWI: bugga
31.01.2012 02:08:18 : # [Global] -[HELLO]-Soldier: 1st recon,i saw in the admin logs,pls reduce your spamming and
31.01.2012 02:08:27 : # [Global] -[HELLO]-Soldier: as Hello member you should act nice
31.01.2012 02:08:48 : # [RED] BlackTooth: lol poptart
31.01.2012 02:08:48 : # [Global] -[HELLO]-Soldier: you are reprenting our clan,so act nice :)
31.01.2012 02:08:48 : # [Global] -[HELLO]-Soldier: hi devil
31.01.2012 02:08:48 : # [Global] Devil0700: danny being a bitch :
31.01.2012 02:09:09 : # [Global] Devil0700: right danny? :)
31.01.2012 02:09:13 : # [BLUE] =NZ=FLYING KIWI: hay guys
31.01.2012 02:09:17 : # [Global] -[HELLO]-Soldier: Osama,stop insutling
31.01.2012 02:09:19 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: im gonna go stand by guy at your box
31.01.2012 02:09:24 : # [Global] -[HELLO]-Danny: WHAT?
31.01.2012 02:09:37 : # [Global] Devil0700: nothing
31.01.2012 02:09:38 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: THENME
31.01.2012 02:09:40 : Client: Said '[BVSM] Please keep your language clean'.
31.01.2012 02:09:41 : Server: Admin message sent.
31.01.2012 02:09:41 : # [Global] 2./FschJg Btl 263 ND: pppfff
31.01.2012 02:09:45 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: GET THE FUCK UP
31.01.2012 02:09:45 : # [Global] Devil0700: lol soldier
31.01.2012 02:09:49 : # [Global] Hun: nz
31.01.2012 02:09:54 : # [Global] Hun: ns*
31.01.2012 02:10:00 : # [RED] BlackTooth: press S pop
31.01.2012 02:10:07 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: OMG
31.01.2012 02:10:07 : # [Global] Inashack: Soldier
31.01.2012 02:10:12 : # [Global] Inashack: please dont afk in the chopper
31.01.2012 02:10:13 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: plwAW KILL HIM
31.01.2012 02:10:25 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: theNME i officially hate
31.01.2012 02:10:40 : # [BLUE] Inashack: Phantom, destroy the huey slick
31.01.2012 02:10:44 : # [Global] Inashack: its @ C6
31.01.2012 02:10:58 : # [Global] [ESW]PoPTarT: :)
31.01.2012 02:11:17 : # [Global] Inashack: Awwwwwyeahhhh!!
31.01.2012 02:11:25 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: i killed the box no wories
31.01.2012 02:11:37 : # [Global] -[HELLO]-Soldier: !kick .18
31.01.2012 02:11:48 : # [Global] Devil0700: wt
31.01.2012 02:11:49 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: yea
31.01.2012 02:11:50 : Server: Player Inashack kicked.
31.01.2012 02:11:56 : # [Global] -[HELLO]-Soldier: damn
31.01.2012 02:11:57 : # [Global] Devil0700: I couldn't moe -_-
31.01.2012 02:11:58 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: try to kick me
31.01.2012 02:12:03 : # [Global] -[HELLO]-Soldier: !kick .19
31.01.2012 02:12:07 : # [Global] Devil0700: you flipped it last
31.01.2012 02:12:13 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: you can admin kill me all you like
31.01.2012 02:12:16 : Server: Player Osama_bin_Smokin kicked.
31.01.2012 02:12:31 : # [Global] [ESW]PoPTarT: no
31.01.2012 02:12:36 : # [Global] Hun: dont ban him hell get the point
31.01.2012 02:12:46 : # [Global] Inashack: ....?
31.01.2012 02:12:48 : # [Global] -[HELLO]-Soldier: i wont ban for accusing
31.01.2012 02:12:53 : # [Global] BlackTooth: if tox can go without a ban
31.01.2012 02:12:59 : # [Global] Hun: yeah
31.01.2012 02:13:00 : # [Global] BlackTooth: then give him a break
31.01.2012 02:13:04 : # [Global] Inashack: what is the problem
31.01.2012 02:13:09 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: someone wanting their mod taken
31.01.2012 02:13:16 : # [Global] -[HELLO]-Soldier: well danny,i have logs,and i have enough evidence,hello admins
31.01.2012 02:13:19 : # [Global] -[HELLO]-Soldier: are acting like the rules says
31.01.2012 02:13:36 : # [Global] Kim Jong Un says Juche!: rule #4 be nice to everyone
31.01.2012 02:13:36 : # [Global] -[HELLO]-Soldier: i wont discuss with you
31.01.2012 02:13:40 : # [Global] -[HELLO]-Soldier: admin decision
31.01.2012 02:13:46 : # [Global] Inashack: who kicked me lol
31.01.2012 02:13:55 : # [Global] -[HELLO]-Soldier: sorry inashack
31.01.2012 02:14:00 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: danny?
31.01.2012 02:14:03 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: soldier
31.01.2012 02:14:07 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: who kicked me
31.01.2012 02:14:11 : # [RED] Inashack: its okay soldier :)
31.01.2012 02:14:11 : # [Global] {Trashmen} jayham22: lol
31.01.2012 02:14:13 : # [Global] -[HELLO]-Danny: soldiers raging
31.01.2012 02:14:16 : # [Global] Inashack: its okay soldier
31.01.2012 02:14:22 : # [Global] Inashack: just wanted to know :D
31.01.2012 02:14:35 : # [Global] -[HELLO]-Soldier: osama,i have enough logs to ban you ,dont go to far
31.01.2012 02:14:42 : # [Global] -[HELLO]-Soldier: i am trying to warn you friendly
31.01.2012 02:14:47 : # [Global] -[HELLO]-Soldier: and forget it
31.01.2012 02:14:47 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: so try it
31.01.2012 02:14:49 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: and lose yur mo
31.01.2012 02:14:53 : # [Global] -[HELLO]-Soldier: you can talk
31.01.2012 02:15:05 : # [RED] BlackTooth: hold on
31.01.2012 02:15:07 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: dno reason to admin kill people
31.01.2012 02:15:11 : # [Global] -[HELLO]-Danny: its dissapointing
31.01.2012 02:15:16 : # [Global] -[HELLO]-Soldier: just quiet,i dindnt ban you,i wont discuss anymore
31.01.2012 02:15:18 : # [Global] [ESW]PoPTarT: so much drama for a game -_-
31.01.2012 02:15:19 : # [Global] -[HELLO]-Danny: \that we have such childish people
31.01.2012 02:15:22 : # [Global] -[HELLO]-Danny: as admins
31.01.2012 02:15:27 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: im done
31.01.2012 02:15:32 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: i don't ant banned
31.01.2012 02:15:32 : # [Global] -[HELLO]-Soldier: alright then
31.01.2012 02:15:56 : # [Global] Kim Jong Un says Juche!: guys follow the rules
31.01.2012 02:16:00 : # [RED] [ESW]PoPTarT: i suck at flying
31.01.2012 02:16:06 : # [Global] BlackTooth: nvm i got shot down lol...
31.01.2012 02:16:10 : # [Global] Kim Jong Un says Juche!: osama violated rule #4
31.01.2012 02:16:10 : # [RED] [ESW]PoPTarT: lol
31.01.2012 02:16:10 : # [Global] BlackTooth: got to go cya
31.01.2012 02:16:15 : # [RED] [ESW]PoPTarT: bye
31.01.2012 02:16:18 : # [Global] -[HELLO]-1strecon: bb
31.01.2012 02:16:29 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: lol threw grenades
31.01.2012 02:16:33 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: awesome
31.01.2012 02:16:58 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: did you like that kim jong

2nd part (where i did ban him)
31.01.2012 07:34:31 : Client: Said '[BVSM] Osama_bin_Smokin please tone down your language'.
31.01.2012 07:34:31 : Server: Admin message sent.
31.01.2012 07:35:01 : # [Global] ßlue-Heeler: hi john hows it going
31.01.2012 07:35:15 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: you were probably raping in the mi8
31.01.2012 07:35:25 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: before i stole it
31.01.2012 07:35:40 : # [Global] AXL: its fungus
31.01.2012 07:35:43 : # [Global] Rbilly: bitch back
31.01.2012 07:35:55 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: i had 1 hi left from bango
31.01.2012 07:35:55 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: bitch
31.01.2012 07:36:06 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: losing record
31.01.2012 07:36:09 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: little bitch redneck
31.01.2012 07:36:20 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: yes
31.01.2012 07:36:25 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: you ave a losing record this game
31.01.2012 07:36:54 : # [Global] ßlue-Heeler: noooo gg but
31.01.2012 07:36:59 : # [Global] ßlue-Heeler: bya all
31.01.2012 07:37:01 : # [Global] Rbilly: you had trouble in arithmetic as a kid I see
31.01.2012 07:38:23 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: you made it to even congrats
31.01.2012 07:38:35 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: stairs by the generators
31.01.2012 07:38:49 : # [BLUE] Osama_bin_Smokin: we don't need 3
31.01.2012 07:38:51 : # [BLUE] Osama_bin_Smokin: its mied now
31.01.2012 07:39:19 : # [Global] maddog: boring map so few players
31.01.2012 07:39:22 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: FIRST KILL
31.01.2012 07:39:30 : # [Global] AXL: egypt
31.01.2012 07:39:48 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: again
31.01.2012 07:39:59 : # [Global] maddog: be back on 3rd map , Quang Tri
31.01.2012 07:40:02 : Client: Said 'For God Sake,keep your language clean Osama..!'.
31.01.2012 07:40:02 : Server: Admin message sent.
31.01.2012 07:40:04 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: your lucky you partner saved you
31.01.2012 07:40:38 : # [Global] Rbilly: u would know
31.01.2012 07:40:55 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: everytime we play together
31.01.2012 07:40:57 : # [RED] Rbilly: lol
31.01.2012 07:41:28 : # [Global] AXL: u 2 should watch "Hang Over @"
31.01.2012 07:41:55 : # [Global] AXL: 2
31.01.2012 07:41:55 : # [Global] M4DM4RCUS: cant kill ur ass
31.01.2012 07:41:56 : # [Global] M4DM4RCUS: lol
31.01.2012 07:42:01 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: lol
31.01.2012 07:42:07 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: try being rbilly
31.01.2012 07:42:16 : # [Global] Rbilly: stfu
31.01.2012 07:42:25 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: lmao
31.01.2012 07:42:25 : # [Global] AXL: thats a tough one, obama
31.01.2012 07:42:55 : # [Global] AXL: rbelly or rkelley?
31.01.2012 07:42:55 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: i piss on him like im rkelley
31.01.2012 07:42:56 : # [Global] AXL: lmao
31.01.2012 07:43:14 : # [Global] 360°J1mmy: gay
31.01.2012 07:43:53 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: rbilly quit attackig
31.01.2012 07:44:06 : # [RED] Daddy.dk: c2
31.01.2012 07:44:41 : # [RED] Daddy.dk: c2c2cc2ccc2
31.01.2012 07:44:42 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: rbilly quit attacking after 3 deaths
31.01.2012 07:45:32 : # [RED] Daddy.dk: and not one respont tx kids
31.01.2012 07:47:09 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: get te fuck out of apv rbilaw
31.01.2012 07:47:09 : # [Global] AXL: did u toot, obama?
31.01.2012 07:47:21 : # [Global] Rbilly: no
31.01.2012 07:48:09 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: hide in your apc no one will see you
31.01.2012 07:48:10 : # [Global] Rbilly: keep gettin noobed
31.01.2012 07:48:31 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: if o ant killed with a m16
31.01.2012 07:48:32 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: ok
31.01.2012 07:48:50 : # [Global] Rbilly: u scared
31.01.2012 07:49:02 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: scared of what your mines w
31.01.2012 07:49:12 : # [Global] Rbilly: hidin like a little girl
31.01.2012 07:49:16 : # [RED] Daddy.dk: look be 4 i drive i boodytrap all i see
31.01.2012 07:49:54 : # [Global] http://www.ubuntu.com/tour: who is Jenna Presley?
31.01.2012 07:50:10 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: she is a hot blond
31.01.2012 07:50:16 : # [Global] Rbilly: thks
31.01.2012 07:50:22 : # [Global] http://www.ubuntu.com/tour: Jenna Presley?
31.01.2012 07:50:25 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: eyes
31.01.2012 07:50:31 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: she is elvis presleys daughter
31.01.2012 07:50:34 : # [Global] http://www.ubuntu.com/tour: what does she do?
31.01.2012 07:50:41 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: actress
31.01.2012 07:50:49 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: she on some sitcom i think right now
31.01.2012 07:50:56 : # [Global] http://www.ubuntu.com/tour: lol
31.01.2012 07:50:57 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: w/e
31.01.2012 07:51:06 : # [Global] http://www.ubuntu.com/tour: i thought her name is Lisa Marie
31.01.2012 07:51:18 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: llol
31.01.2012 07:51:25 : # [Global] http://www.ubuntu.com/tour: so who is Jenna Presley?
31.01.2012 07:51:33 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: no idea
31.01.2012 07:51:55 : # [Global] http://www.ubuntu.com/tour: k
31.01.2012 07:51:55 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: sounds like a pornstar
31.01.2012 07:51:55 : # [Global] http://www.ubuntu.com/tour: lol
31.01.2012 07:52:06 : # [Global] http://www.ubuntu.com/tour: dunno
31.01.2012 07:52:31 : # [Global] http://www.ubuntu.com/tour: but u r probably right
31.01.2012 07:52:37 : # [Global] http://www.ubuntu.com/tour: i read it one a porn site
31.01.2012 07:52:55 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: lol
31.01.2012 07:53:08 : # [Global] Daddy.dk: :0)
31.01.2012 07:53:12 : # [Global] AXL: tranny site?
31.01.2012 07:53:39 : # [Global] http://www.ubuntu.com/tour: i only like hot eighteens nineteens and twens
31.01.2012 07:53:51 : # [Global] http://www.ubuntu.com/tour: some milfes are great as well
31.01.2012 07:54:07 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: best two players on nva using mats
31.01.2012 07:54:10 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: throwing me off
31.01.2012 07:54:56 : # [Global] http://www.ubuntu.com/tour: would you like a porn star to be your wife? xD
31.01.2012 07:55:16 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: anyone have the time EST?
31.01.2012 07:55:32 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: almost 2
31.01.2012 07:56:11 : # [Global] Daddy.dk:
31.01.2012 07:56:17 : # [Global] http://www.ubuntu.com/tour: !nextmap
31.01.2012 07:56:28 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: lmao
31.01.2012 07:56:37 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: ran you over in my dae woo
31.01.2012 07:56:51 : # [Global] AXL: ran u over in my G6 in G6
31.01.2012 07:57:21 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: i tore rexes tights off
31.01.2012 07:57:25 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: and he was beside
31.01.2012 07:57:58 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: you have done a good job of effectively avoiding me rbilly
31.01.2012 07:58:06 : # [BLUE] CanadaGTP: apc coming to our ase
31.01.2012 07:58:10 : # [BLUE] CanadaGTP: base
31.01.2012 07:58:10 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: you driving an apc
31.01.2012 07:58:17 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: you funny
31.01.2012 07:58:27 : # [Global] Rbilly: busy gettin flags
31.01.2012 07:58:36 : # [Global] Rbilly: who cares about u
31.01.2012 07:58:40 : # [Global] Daddy.dk: ;9p
31.01.2012 07:58:40 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: come get it.
31.01.2012 07:58:54 : # [Global] Daddy.dk: boom
31.01.2012 07:59:34 : # [Global] Daddy.dk: nuhaha
31.01.2012 08:00:38 : # [Global] CanadaGTP: spawn rape takes skill
31.01.2012 08:01:13 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: make a nigga pick a law instead of a m16
31.01.2012 08:02:31 : # [BLUE] Osama_bin_Smokin: group up at back base guys.
31.01.2012 08:02:50 : # [BLUE] Osama_bin_Smokin: work as a team...
31.01.2012 08:03:15 : # [BLUE] Osama_bin_Smokin: the hav asxpawn up the
31.01.2012 08:03:15 : # [Global] Daddy.dk: lool
31.01.2012 08:04:11 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: marcus
31.01.2012 08:04:17 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: you just stopped me from killing rbilly
31.01.2012 08:04:18 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: you gonna piss me off
31.01.2012 08:04:27 : # [Global] AXL: im gona piss on ya
31.01.2012 08:04:42 : # [Global] AXL: *pisses on obama*
31.01.2012 08:04:53 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: i don't understand that
31.01.2012 08:05:03 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: oh there only 3 of them
31.01.2012 08:05:17 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: gg
31.01.2012 08:05:39 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: rbilly i didn't realize tou were a flag whore
31.01.2012 08:05:47 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: especially APCs and wrenchs
31.01.2012 08:05:50 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: in a 6v6 game
31.01.2012 08:06:22 : # [Global] AXL: drive on sheeves
31.01.2012 08:06:30 : # [Global] Rbilly: EXCUSES
31.01.2012 08:06:31 : # [Global] AXL: geeves
31.01.2012 08:06:59 : # [RED] Daddy.dk: geee tx 4 fucking the mines up boys and rex
31.01.2012 08:07:06 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: he happens
31.01.2012 08:07:11 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: rbilly was a coard
31.01.2012 08:07:12 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: coward
31.01.2012 08:07:18 : # [Global] M4DM4RCUS: lol i know big mistake
31.01.2012 08:07:25 : # [Global] AXL: obama is a gogo dancer
31.01.2012 08:11:14 : # [RED] Daddy.dk: agein dont fuck up traps u moron
31.01.2012 08:11:58 : # [Global] Daddy.dk: only 4 and yes sir idiots fuck up traps imao
31.01.2012 08:12:25 : # [RED] Daddy.dk: presss Q and respekt dummies
31.01.2012 08:15:27 : # [Global] Daddy.dk:
31.01.2012 08:16:51 : # [Global] Daddy.dk: i know the type
31.01.2012 08:17:47 : # [Global] Daddy.dk: flag like players
31.01.2012 08:20:03 : # [Global] firefly: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
31.01.2012 08:20:52 : # [Global] Daddy.dk: just love this tank noobs fucking up all they see
31.01.2012 08:21:19 : # [Global] Daddy.dk: rottin u asshol
31.01.2012 08:22:56 : # [Global] Daddy.dk: rotth u are a ss
31.01.2012 08:23:07 : # [Global] Rbilly: HE'S NOT A NOOB
31.01.2012 08:23:15 : # [Global] Daddy.dk: yes
31.01.2012 08:23:18 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: bitch
31.01.2012 08:23:25 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: cause i just got back
31.01.2012 08:23:35 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: when you didn't think i was here?
31.01.2012 08:23:39 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: speak up
31.01.2012 08:24:18 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: really?
31.01.2012 08:24:28 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: you little fucking coward
31.01.2012 08:25:52 : # [RED] Daddy.dk: then kill him
31.01.2012 08:26:09 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: who
31.01.2012 08:26:13 : # [Global] Rbilly: lucky fckr
31.01.2012 08:27:53 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: WHO
31.01.2012 08:28:11 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: WO
31.01.2012 08:28:16 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
31.01.2012 08:29:18 : # [RED] Osama_bin_Smokin: KWHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
31.01.2012 08:29:37 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: ric flair
31.01.2012 08:30:52 : # [RED] Osama_bin_Smokin: skipped to the back
31.01.2012 08:33:11 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: fuck all of you non chatting little whores
31.01.2012 08:33:22 : # [Global] SHARKY: lol
31.01.2012 08:33:30 : # [Global] Daddy.dk: :0p
31.01.2012 08:33:36 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: i just fucking ran so hard into a tree i died
31.01.2012 08:33:40 : # [Global] IM6T+: when u have something to say of interest - we may respond
31.01.2012 08:34:50 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: ok you wantme to be interesting....how does my 7.62 taste?
31.01.2012 08:35:42 : # [Global] Daddy.dk: u weed is better
31.01.2012 08:37:19 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: lol
31.01.2012 08:37:31 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: got klled by a landmine on foot
31.01.2012 08:37:36 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: because some asshole ran over one
31.01.2012 08:37:38 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: close
31.01.2012 08:37:57 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: i did
31.01.2012 08:37:59 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: lol
31.01.2012 08:38:50 : # [Global] Daddy.dk: osa
31.01.2012 08:39:29 : # [Global] Daddy.dk: dint what 2 kill him i got smoking break
31.01.2012 08:40:12 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: twice now i have died
31.01.2012 08:40:16 : # [Global] Daddy.dk: aggghhhh great bong
31.01.2012 08:40:18 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: due to vehicles hittng mines
31.01.2012 08:42:39 : # [RED] Osama_bin_Smokin: WOOOOOOOOOO
31.01.2012 08:42:39 : # [Global] Daddy.dk: :0)
31.01.2012 08:42:50 : # [Global] M4DM4RCUS: woop ass
31.01.2012 08:44:07 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: IM SO GOT DAMN BORED
31.01.2012 08:44:16 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: IM GONNA USE A 12 GAUGE TO SHOOT DOWN CHOPPERS
31.01.2012 08:44:25 : # [BLUE] ROTTN DRTY SCOUNDREL: w
31.01.2012 08:44:28 : # [BLUE] Osama_bin_Smokin: lol
31.01.2012 08:44:29 : # [Global] M4DM4RCUS: go shag rbillys mom then
31.01.2012 08:44:40 : # [Global] Rbilly: FCKU
31.01.2012 08:44:43 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: .....i turned that shit out
31.01.2012 08:44:44 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: lol
31.01.2012 08:44:44 : # [Global] M4DM4RCUS: lol
31.01.2012 08:45:26 : # [Global] Rbilly: ur mom blows goats for the internet
31.01.2012 08:45:37 : # [Global] Rbilly: lol
31.01.2012 08:45:44 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: jack nicholson
31.01.2012 08:45:54 : # [Global] Rbilly: he has answered
31.01.2012 08:47:16 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: something jumped up and bit me
31.01.2012 08:47:52 : # [Global] M4DM4RCUS: it was a bullet wasnt it
31.01.2012 08:48:11 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: yes bit me right in buttocks
31.01.2012 08:48:32 : # [Global] M4DM4RCUS: id like to see that
31.01.2012 08:48:38 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: lol
31.01.2012 08:48:43 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: my favorite movie
31.01.2012 08:49:10 : # [Global] Daddy.dk: fire u noob gunner
31.01.2012 08:49:10 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: lmao
31.01.2012 08:49:14 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: he fucke you up rbilly
31.01.2012 08:49:44 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: you also
31.01.2012 08:50:08 : # [Global] Rbilly: i really fcked him this time
31.01.2012 08:50:23 : # [Global] Daddy.dk: man who was my noob gunner
31.01.2012 08:51:44 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: nice chopper placement
31.01.2012 08:51:47 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: perfect actually
31.01.2012 08:51:49 : # [Global] Daddy.dk: hehe
31.01.2012 08:52:26 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: right in front of me
31.01.2012 08:52:27 : # [Global] Rbilly: wtf where is everyone
31.01.2012 08:52:36 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: everyone hates you rbilly
31.01.2012 08:52:49 : # [Global] Rbilly: no look in the mirror
31.01.2012 08:52:57 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: lol
31.01.2012 08:53:58 : # [BLUE] Osama_bin_Smokin: i got he last laugh that time
31.01.2012 08:54:08 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: brought down the copper
31.01.2012 08:54:08 : # [Global] Daddy.dk: :0p
31.01.2012 08:54:23 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: he sa 7ed me
31.01.2012 08:54:34 : # [BLUE] Osama_bin_Smokin: get to their main
31.01.2012 08:54:55 : # [BLUE] Osama_bin_Smokin: choppers to their main plz.
31.01.2012 08:55:16 : # [BLUE] Osama_bin_Smokin: only 1 guy with a sa 7 tere
31.01.2012 08:55:37 : # [BLUE] Osama_bin_Smokin: lets shut them out fuck them
31.01.2012 08:56:08 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: buckshot
31.01.2012 08:56:29 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: wow
31.01.2012 08:56:38 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: IN THE BOX SON
31.01.2012 08:56:48 : # [Global] http://www.ubuntu.com/tour: !nextmap
31.01.2012 08:56:54 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: right into a 12 gauge
31.01.2012 08:57:23 : # [BLUE] Osama_bin_Smokin: capture heir main
31.01.2012 08:57:43 : # [BLUE] Osama_bin_Smokin: get choppers above their main quick
31.01.2012 08:57:53 : # [BLUE] Osama_bin_Smokin: daddy dk tere atleast 1 there
31.01.2012 08:57:59 : # [BLUE] Osama_bin_Smokin: be read to fight
31.01.2012 08:58:08 : # [RED] ROTTN DRTY SCOUNDREL: \
31.01.2012 08:58:20 : # [RED] ROTTN DRTY SCOUNDREL: pick an easy flag
31.01.2012 08:58:33 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: were is your last
31.01.2012 08:58:34 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: lol
31.01.2012 08:58:38 : # [Global] Rbilly: that was bs
31.01.2012 08:58:46 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: you knw what is BS
31.01.2012 08:58:51 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: how you fucking play coward
31.01.2012 08:58:55 : # [Global] http://www.ubuntu.com/tour: where is the last guy?
31.01.2012 08:59:07 : # [Global] Daddy.dk: lol get a flag noob
31.01.2012 08:59:17 : # [Global] Rbilly: fck u
31.01.2012 08:59:17 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: we can assist him
31.01.2012 08:59:18 : # [RED] ROTTN DRTY SCOUNDREL: leave!
31.01.2012 08:59:23 : # [Global] http://www.ubuntu.com/tour: dont let us waste time
31.01.2012 08:59:29 : # [Global] http://www.ubuntu.com/tour: where is he?
31.01.2012 08:59:38 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: lol
31.01.2012 08:59:40 : # [RED] ROTTN DRTY SCOUNDREL: go
31.01.2012 08:59:46 : # [Global] Daddy.dk: so sad my m8s is stupid
31.01.2012 08:59:56 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: lolw
31.01.2012 08:59:58 : # [RED] ROTTN DRTY SCOUNDREL: that flag takes too long to get!
31.01.2012 09:00:02 : # [Global] M4DM4RCUS: lol nice flyin
31.01.2012 09:00:07 : # [RED] Daddy.dk: get a damn flag
31.01.2012 09:00:11 : # [Global] Rbilly: if a dumb hillbilly kicks your ass, whats that make u girl
31.01.2012 09:00:13 : # [Global] http://www.ubuntu.com/tour: mckilla tell me your gps position
31.01.2012 09:00:17 : # [RED] ROTTN DRTY SCOUNDREL: too late
31.01.2012 09:01:24 : # [Global] M4DM4RCUS:
31.01.2012 09:01:28 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: lol
31.01.2012 09:01:47 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: im karate man i bleed from the inside
31.01.2012 09:02:08 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: made him leavelol
31.01.2012 09:02:26 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: karate man bleed on the inside
31.01.2012 09:03:24 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: wats a clan name like SS
31.01.2012 09:04:11 : # [Global] M4DM4RCUS: having fun mate
31.01.2012 09:04:12 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: don't shoot me unless ou ant o die
31.01.2012 09:04:12 : # [Global] http://www.ubuntu.com/tour: the SS was a friendly organisation
31.01.2012 09:04:15 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: im not gonna take bases
31.01.2012 09:04:26 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: im a wandering kung fu man
31.01.2012 09:04:59 : # [Global] http://www.ubuntu.com/tour: !nextmap
31.01.2012 09:05:14 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: bazooka joe you ant to fight karate man
31.01.2012 09:05:15 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: ok
31.01.2012 09:05:44 : # [Global] http://www.ubuntu.com/tour: what is so bad being a SS?
31.01.2012 09:05:58 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: he shot at me
31.01.2012 09:06:07 : # [Global] http://www.ubuntu.com/tour: ok
31.01.2012 09:06:08 : # [Global] waharoa: lol
31.01.2012 09:07:05 : # [Global] waharoa: lol
31.01.2012 09:07:10 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: im karate man
31.01.2012 09:07:38 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: just about made my chair flips
31.01.2012 09:07:42 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: lol
31.01.2012 09:08:43 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: my christian name is general butt naked
31.01.2012 09:09:07 : # [Global] http://www.ubuntu.com/tour: a priest fucked me
31.01.2012 09:09:18 : # [Global] meatsack: yeah it was good
31.01.2012 09:09:58 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: a priest
31.01.2012 09:09:58 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: one of that
31.01.2012 09:09:58 : # [Global] Daddy.dk: judas?
31.01.2012 09:10:37 : # [Global] waharoa: haha
31.01.2012 09:12:02 : # [Global] meatsack: sheep fucker
31.01.2012 09:12:07 : # [Global] M4DM4RCUS: you can do it
31.01.2012 09:12:11 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: don't you dare bring that knife out on me
31.01.2012 09:12:57 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: meatsuck
31.01.2012 09:13:15 : # [Global] http://www.ubuntu.com/tour: !nextmap
31.01.2012 09:13:25 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: hows it going girl
31.01.2012 09:13:38 : # [Global] pisswhore: me and my bitch boozehag
31.01.2012 09:13:59 : # [RED] Daddy.dk:
31.01.2012 09:14:00 : # [Global] broozehag187: lol
31.01.2012 09:14:07 : # [Global] Daddy.dk: learn 2 shoot
31.01.2012 09:14:45 : # [Global] pisswhore: u let it go to ur fat head
31.01.2012 09:14:55 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: to some music
31.01.2012 09:15:07 : # [Global] Daddy.dk: lol
31.01.2012 09:15:08 : # [Global] pisswhore: infact i encourage it
31.01.2012 09:15:42 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: ok
31.01.2012 09:15:46 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: I JUST WANNA DANCE
31.01.2012 09:16:30 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: MOVE YA HIPS SHAKE YA ASS
31.01.2012 09:16:51 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: pisswhore tried to run me over
31.01.2012 09:16:54 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: not nice
31.01.2012 09:17:03 : # [Global] pisswhore: im pissed what cn i say
31.01.2012 09:17:20 : # [RED] Osama_bin_Smokin: \tank
31.01.2012 09:17:21 : # [RED] Osama_bin_Smokin: lol
31.01.2012 09:17:25 : # [RED] pisswhore: get in hoe
31.01.2012 09:17:33 : # [Global] Daddy.dk: nva is fuck
31.01.2012 09:18:13 : # [BLUE] SHARKY: afk gotta eat
31.01.2012 09:18:18 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: IM GONN LEARN YA BOY
31.01.2012 09:18:27 : # [Global] pisswhore: lol
31.01.2012 09:19:17 : # [Global] Daddy.dk: buhhh son
31.01.2012 09:19:43 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: head
31.01.2012 09:20:14 : Player Osama_bin_Smokin 913ed650cb45649d4183f5e93ec3a137 [unknown] kicked by soldier for using inappropriate language.
31.01.2012 09:20:14 : Client: Said '[BVSM] Osama_bin_Smokin kicked for using inappropriate language'.
31.01.2012 09:20:14 : Client: Kick player Osama_bin_Smokin.
31.01.2012 09:20:14 : Server: Admin message sent.
31.01.2012 09:20:14 : Server: Player Osama_bin_Smokin kicked.
31.01.2012 09:20:24 : # [Global] http://www.ubuntu.com/tour: lol
31.01.2012 09:20:28 : # [Global] Daddy.dk: loool
31.01.2012 09:20:37 : # [Global] http://www.ubuntu.com/tour: what did he do?
31.01.2012 09:20:38 : # [Global] M4DM4RCUS: lol
31.01.2012 09:20:56 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: im gonna talk to server owner
31.01.2012 09:21:15 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: meatsuck is jealous of me
31.01.2012 09:21:19 : # [Global] Daddy.dk: we got a warred on u ass son
31.01.2012 09:21:23 : Client: Said 'Next time Ban!'.
31.01.2012 09:21:24 : Server: Admin message sent.
31.01.2012 09:21:36 : Client: Said 'I have warned you several times!'.
31.01.2012 09:21:37 : Server: Admin message sent.
31.01.2012 09:21:37 : # [Global] http://www.ubuntu.com/tour: nah dont ban him
31.01.2012 09:21:41 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: apisswhore you fucking bitch
31.01.2012 09:21:42 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: ban me
31.01.2012 09:21:42 : # [Global] http://www.ubuntu.com/tour: Osama is alright
31.01.2012 09:21:47 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: kick me while imin first
31.01.2012 09:21:50 : # [Global] pisswhore: lol
31.01.2012 09:21:50 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: after i ahven't said shit
31.01.2012 09:21:51 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: uck you
31.01.2012 09:21:52 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: all
31.01.2012 09:21:55 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: ban me
31.01.2012 09:21:58 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: fuck all of you
31.01.2012 09:22:03 : # [RED] ChuckkNorris420: YOUR WISH IS YOUR COMMAND
31.01.2012 09:22:07 : # [Global] Daddy.dk: lool my man
31.01.2012 09:22:07 : # [Global] waharoa: loo
31.01.2012 09:22:13 : # [Global] ChuckkNorris420: YOUR WISH IS YOUR COMMAND
31.01.2012 09:22:19 : Client: Said 'Last Warning! Quiet it!'.
31.01.2012 09:22:19 : Server: Admin message sent.
31.01.2012 09:22:24 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: do it you are jealous iwas in first
31.01.2012 09:22:34 : # [Global] ChuckkNorris420: COMMAND SOME MORE
31.01.2012 09:22:34 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: so you kick me
31.01.2012 09:22:38 : # [Global] ChuckkNorris420: BAN YOURSELF
31.01.2012 09:22:48 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: FUCK YOU
31.01.2012 09:22:50 : # [Global] Osama_bin_Smokin: COMMAND THAT
31.01.2012 09:22:50 : # [Global] http://www.ubuntu.com/tour: dont ban him
31.01.2012 09:23:03 : # [Global] Daddy.dk: lool u get on warret
31.01.2012 09:23:31 : Player Osama_bin_Smokin 913ed650cb45649d4183f5e93ec3a137 [unknown] banned by soldier until Wed Feb 01 09:23:31 2012 without a reason.
31.01.2012 09:23:31 : # [Global] ChuckkNorris420: DAED
31.01.2012 09:23:31 : Client: Ban player Osama_bin_Smokin.
31.01.2012 09:23:32 : Server: Player Osama_bin_Smokin banned.

I have warned him several times,i have warned him several times over BFRM when i wasnt ingame,but he didnt want to listen. I have logs from him before,but i think i posted long.
I gave him a chance and banned him for 24 hours. If the admins thinks he didnt deserve it,then he will get banned longer.

Edit: 1 week ban (i will change it after the 1 day ban lift out)


Forum Newbie
Local time
11:58 AM
Aug 9, 2010
Reaction score
good ban


Ive played on this server for 2 years, now we are kicking people for language, you can ask your own members soldier was flipping out all day, read the whole chat transcript. Is this the sexy server, we all gonna watch our languages now? I don't think i deserved to be banned, i apologize to soldier but i think he was having a bad day. Please unbanned thanks.


Also, keep in mind soldier defends toxic 360's talk or bad behavior yet i should be banned? double standard


Also keep in mind i am not very liked and people abuse my name i am not "osama bin laden" im "osama bin smokin" so half the complaints you have aren't even me.


I apologize and wish to be unbanned and will clean up my behavior.
Zach Smith


The player was unbanned now for the afford to apologize to me over x-fire and the HC Website.
He is now on probation.


Forum Newbie
Local time
11:58 AM
Aug 9, 2010
Reaction score
first off we dont ban for language we banned you for insulting
Local time
12:58 PM
Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Not just that, Soldier doesnt defend me, NONE of the admins defend me. Im not protected by anyone, i have been watching my language and havent been insulting anyone at all.
Its like AA for me, Hi my name is _____, i swear and insult people online in BFV!!!
LOL, naw, its not that bad, ya just gotta bite your tongue man, even when your being trolled, ya just gotta watch it cause ya never know, next time they might not be so forgiving.
Word Son!
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