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perma ban ??

Local time
6:33 AM
Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
First off, let me begin with how Sorry and stabbed in the back i feel... some of these 'supposedly' friends, i HAD on my friends list, are snakes... hippo, you trolled me in the server under a different name, working hard for me to react to your bs, i bet you didnt expect me to get fresh to warn you, i also bet you didnt expect him to send me your keyhash and tell me its YOU trolling me in the server under that funny name u were using.
And who the fuck is F.uqur? Ive never said 2 things to this guy, yet he pisses on me any chance he gets in here, i read the forums, i dont come here and defend myself OR comment..!! at least i never did in the past.
Clearly this guy is working overtime to put his 2 cents in to have me banned? personally idk wtf he has to say about me or Anything reguarding me, so STFU or hit me up on TS if u wana talk to me F.U.q.e.r., grow a pair and talk to ME, not the forums if u have an issue with me!!! u can add my xfire anytime and call it if u got something to say...
Second... to trashmen Byrd, i'll be right up front, i dont respect him, and he doesnt respect me!!! he and i NEVER got along, going WAYYYY back to before this kid was admin. now that hes admin, im banned. funny how ive managed to play in HELLO server ALONGSIDE many and multiple admins before him, and NEVER once was i kicked OR ORRRR banned!! yet so suddenly after a long time 'enemy' of mine becomes admin, i get the ban.... i think that its very odd, I expected that much, but the others might take note and look at the facts...
Three, yea, im guilty of insulting others, i am, yes... i wont disagree. however if im being put in the spotlight, why arent we spotlighting EVERYONE that sais to another, NOOB, or NUB, or SCRUB.....??? why is it just ME that this kid seems to target?? can anyone figure that out?... this is a VIOLENT wargame, and people swear, people call others names, people cheat.... ME, im guilty of the insulting others, i call ppl nub, or noob, point a m79 at your feet and fire it to kill me, ok,... yep, ur gona get a 'nub' out of me.... Im sorry. and honestly, i dont mean any harm by saying this, my fingers almost type it without my brain telling them to do so... this is bogus, the point is, i do say noob, or nub... ive been watching my swearing since somewhere around the 12th of january, since my chat with TANKboy!... and anyone that knows me, can check the logs and you will see that i have been doing so.
I got banned for the threads BYRD posted most recently they are the 1/16/12 - 1/19/12.... if you can look at those threads, and really say i deserve a PERMA ban for that..., than thats messed up when u sit and look at all the GARBAGE that floats around in the server that just SLIDES RITE ON BY many MANY of the admins. Extemely sexual harassment, Racist shit constantly.... and yet SO very few are ever warned... i dont do ANY of that shit, i call a person a NOOB and it gets posted... cmon guys really!
please accept my apology for anything and everything i have done.
a number of hello admins sent me links to the paypal account for hello server when it was down, asking me to help them get the server running.... i donated, now im asking for a bit of help myself, and unban me please! thankyah! ;)


You were banned because of this: you were warned several times by different admins since u playeed here. You often apologized. Howevern then u continued to have no regard for the rules. When i did warn u, i oinly warned yu after wyou did break the rules two or three times prior, so i give u leeway. soecondly i was told to bann u, i did not go out of my way and bann u cause i did not like. Thirdly your post is a prime example of that you have no regard for the rules what so ever.
Its alright to swear, just not at other people (e.g. fucking somebody), disrecting other players is also against the rules. Saying noob is not against the rules, however.
Toxic i still see you not caring about the rules? dso why should u be unbanned or deserve special treatment?
Local time
6:33 AM
Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
quit talking to me!!! i cant even understand what your saying or trying to say.... idc what u say/think, we BOTH know you wanted me banned for along time, now u got your admin stripes, im banned... so get over yourself would ya?!?! im not asking for YOUR permission to be unbanned anyhow. your posts on me were trash at best.... why dont u record REAL good ones, of the sexual harassment or the racial bs that flies around in there CONSTANTLY, instead of ME calling out a noob!!! for christs sakes dude, give it up! im banned for those weak threads you posted, their weak because i had previously talked to tank, and told him i would watch my tone.... you got me saying noob, and nub, and the worst i think is 'fucking sa7s'.... how bout do your job, and bust the guys that NEED it, the ones above mentioned!!! stop following me.


Forum Newbie
Local time
7:33 AM
Jun 10, 2010
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Noorbeek, Dutch
byrd ure of this ban fore now. i will talk whit the other admins a bout this ban.


Forum Rookie
Local time
5:33 AM
Jan 22, 2012
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New York
Real Name
Dakota Matthie
Ok.... I wont disagree that toxic has broke many of the rules. But cant byrd ever target others people who do the same stuff? Again not sticking up for any sides but i find it funny how toxic can say the same things as others on the server, but they never get warned. I'm not saying that Toxic didn't break any rules. Im simply saying that there are others that break the rules, but byrd is just going after his enemys.
I should be the one to notice this. When i was in trashmen I was SO obviusly wrong about something, yet byrd used admin power to get me out of it. He never did this before i was in trashmen.


Forum Rookie
Local time
12:33 AM
Sep 21, 2010
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Islip, New York
Real Name
Thomas Ellensohn
bumblebee said:
Ok.... I wont disagree that toxic has broke many of the rules. But cant byrd ever target others people who do the same stuff? Again not sticking up for any sides but i find it funny how toxic can say the same things as others on the server, but they never get warned. I'm not saying that Toxic didn't break any rules. Im simply saying that there are others that break the rules, but byrd is just going after his enemys.
I should be the one to notice this. When i was in trashmen I was SO obviusly wrong about something, yet byrd used admin power to get me out of it. He never did this before i was in trashmen.

Your not the only one i'm guessing you missed this whole topic http://forum.helloclan.eu/viewtopic.php?f=121&t=2174


Forum Newbie
Local time
5:33 AM
Aug 9, 2010
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Elite Poster
Local time
3:03 PM
Jul 21, 2010
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claps slowly

I know toxic from bfv, he has contacted me and i change maps for him on event when he gets on there with his mates. Like u said byrd, everyone shd be treated the same... toxic contacted me about a player that was following him and shooting him (own team) and annoying intentionally. i checked and it was hippo , i thought they were on good terms so i told toxic it was hippo, but he didnt think i was correct, so i sent hash to show i was sure and hadnt made a mistake, so sorry about that hippo.. our admins need to be mature and let the game flow without crucifing ppl for small things. Im not saying toxic is a saint , but a good admin/judge doesnt discriminate or threaten players using duress or give strange explanations , "like byrd says stop so u must stop"

sent to me on helloclan site

[08] + F®³§h-ßlood +: SgtSurfinByrd: freshblood?
SgtSurfinByrd: could you do byrd a favor?
+ F®³§h-ßlood +: hi ,,?
+ F®³§h-ßlood +: depends
SgtSurfinByrd: can you help byrd stop cash on name that tanl
+ F®³§h-ßlood +: whats he doin?
SgtSurfinByrd: getting every single one
SgtSurfinByrd: and hes going for a charlie sheen streak of 4
+ F®³§h-ßlood +: lol..
+ F®³§h-ßlood +: he must know his tanks
SgtSurfinByrd: I WILL BE POSTING another tank and i want to give u the answer to it
+ F®³§h-ßlood +: no u must be joking
SgtSurfinByrd: know hes going on places like wikipedia to them
8 minutes ago + F®³§h-ßlood +: im no cheat
SgtSurfinByrd: plz plz plz!!!!
SgtSurfinByrd: khe a cheat
+ F®³§h-ßlood +: and im offended
SgtSurfinByrd: :( sorry
+ F®³§h-ßlood +: wait,...
+ F®³§h-ßlood +: maybe this will be clearer.....
SgtSurfinByrd: well might you know what it is... can i send the pic via pm? to see if u knopw it?
+ F®³§h-ßlood +: NO WAY :(
SgtSurfinByrd: can i not tell u the answer than?
7 minutes ago SgtSurfinByrd: i give u the tank early?
SgtSurfinByrd: fine ill find someone else
7 minutes ago + F®³§h-ßlood +: i would suggest u not to do it
7 minutes ago SgtSurfinByrd: fine i will finesomeone else
7 minutes ago SgtSurfinByrd: if he didnt say charlie seen i would care
7 minutes ago SgtSurfinByrd: but byrd hates charlie sheen
7 minutes ago + F®³§h-ßlood +: ... im disapointed in u
6 minutes ago + F®³§h-ßlood +: i have no particular feelings for cash
6 minutes ago SgtSurfinByrd: i just dont want him and charlie sheen to win
6 minutes ago + F®³§h-ßlood +: im just disapointed
5 minutes ago SgtSurfinByrd: i shouldnt have asked u
5 minutes ago + F®³§h-ßlood +: u need to grow up little dude
5 minutes ago SgtSurfinByrd: remember this: byrd is known as the little deviil in his school
5 minutes ago + F®³§h-ßlood +: meh
4 minutes ago SgtSurfinByrd: ii wont let him win.. i cant.. i said i wont so ui have to stick true to my word
4 minutes ago + F®³§h-ßlood +: at what cost?
4 minutes ago SgtSurfinByrd: why would i tell u
SgtSurfinByrd: name all the russiian tanks u know
SgtSurfinByrd: plz i want to see if u would know it ,,

then i delete him of friends in helloclan

i know 4 admins that think ur not the right person for the job..


Forum Newbie
Local time
9:33 PM
Feb 16, 2011
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As I have now contained my laughter from your xfire chat.

Freshblood said:
i know 4 admins that think ur not the right person for the job..

Although not an admin, you can put me down as someone that doesn't think he's right for the job.

I made mention of my concern to an admin on xfire at one point.


I as i said before i was ordered to ban him. So i followed orders and banned him. Because toxic wasnt on at the time, i manually banned him, but i only know how to ban permanently that way. Yesterday, thanks to lost and I, we fixed the RM problem and unbanned toxic.


Forum Newbie
Local time
9:33 PM
Feb 16, 2011
Reaction score
SgtSurfinByrd said:
I as i said before i was ordered to ban him. So i followed orders and banned him.

Isn't that basically the same argument that the Nazi's used? You know, the "just following orders" thing? How did that work out for them?


Forum Rookie
Local time
12:33 AM
Sep 21, 2010
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Islip, New York
Real Name
Thomas Ellensohn
GunRunner said:
SgtSurfinByrd said:
I as i said before i was ordered to ban him. So i followed orders and banned him.

Isn't that basically the same argument that the Nazi's used? You know, the "just following orders" thing? How did that work out for them?
Hahahaha i just learned about that like 3 weeks ago x) . And We didn't get to unban him yet I need to Clear the hole ban list then Remake it >.<