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400 tickets? Are you serious?



Hey guys,

i've not been around for a while, but now I'm back. The first time i joined Allmaps today i was wondering why the round wouldn't end. Then i saw tickets are counting down from 400. Seriously that's a torture if your team is just bad! You should decrease tickets to 200-250 like in the good old times! That was just a comfortable round time, because it was long enough to have a good fight and you didn't have the feeling to be stuck to a map.


Grand Master
Local time
5:25 AM
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
the Netherlands
MurdertoDeath said:
Hey guys,

i've not been around for a while, but now I'm back. The first time i joined Allmaps today i was wondering why the round wouldn't end. Then i saw tickets are counting down from 400. Seriously that's a torture if your team is just bad! You should decrease tickets to 200-250 like in the good old times! That was just a comfortable round time, because it was long enough to have a good fight and you didn't have the feeling to be stuck to a map.

200 tickets is nothing. The game will be over before you even have the change to do anything. I think 400 is good.


yep, beta is right, 200 or 250 would be nothing, especially on a server like Hello, where many players plays


I'm just coming straight from the Allmaps server. When i joined there was the map LZA running. Tickets were already at 320. The round took 30 minutes for me! Then the map changed to Reclaiming Hue! It took 48 minutes and the teams weren't even balanced! That just takes too long for me and other players are complaining and sighing as well. I really don't know what you expect from that kind of changes. Most of the players who started at Reclaiming Hue didn't finish the round. You should decrease tickets at least to 250!


250? are you serious. No! Not just no but hell no! 250 would give invading teams no chance on invasion maps (suc as reclaiming hue, cambodian incursion, ho chi mihn trail, ect). 400 accually allows for teams to take bases, and allows teams to rebound. It also allows ffor players to get to do many different things (Fly a pnane, use a heli, mann a tank, ect all in one round). Yes occasionally have a few people complaining about how long som maps can take, but however reducing it to 250 woul make even more people complain about how the maps are now to short (in addition people who think its fine will not say it out of the blue, becuase theres no point). Keep It at 400 tickets. MurderToDeath are you out to make hello clan purposely worse? To me it seems that way.
Think about this, with 250 tickets per ide, with 40 players on hello sever (20 per team), thats an average of 12.5 kills per person, an awfuly unexciting number. Factor in the suicides, accidental deaths, and ticket loss, your looking at probably 11.5 or much less per map, even less exciting. At 400 thats an average of 20kills per person with 40 people on. Hello server ussually has a large amount of playerson, and often cramming 40+ players in 250 tickets will fail.
However, an alternative to what your proposing is to put a time limit on hello server of no less than 30:00
minutes. How if you complain about a 30miniute round, go to someother server instead of considering selfishly about the minority only here, and not caring about what the majority of people who have no problem with, (yes rounds go too long occasionally, but that occasionally not most of the time).
If it doesnt need to be fixed, don't fix it.


Forum Newbie
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3:25 AM
Jun 28, 2010
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Dante's 6th pit of hell
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Aoustino Rufrano
400 tickets is ridiculously long. Fall of Saigon and maps like it take forever and offer little in terms of enjoyment.


SgtSurfinByrd said:
250? are you serious. No! Not just no but hell no! 250 would give invading teams no chance on invasion maps (suc as reclaiming hue, cambodian incursion, ho chi mihn trail, ect).
Reclaiming Hue was 48 minutes!
Landing Zone Albany was about 30 minutes (counting down from 320 tickets when i joined)!
Most players left during the rounds!

SgtSurfinByrd said:
400 accually allows for teams to take bases, and allows teams to rebound. It also allows ffor players to get to do many different things (Fly a pnane, use a heli, mann a tank, ect all in one round).
You can't judge all of the maps the same way! Some people would be happy if one or two maps would just be like 100 tickets counting down. If you then see the tickets counting down in slow motion from 400 it's just a good reason to leave the server.
SgtSurfinByrd said:
Yes occasionally have a few people complaining about how long som maps can take, but however reducing it to 250 woul make even more people complain about how the maps are now to short (in addition people who think its fine will not say it out of the blue, becuase theres no point).
I never heard someone saying time was too short, when Allmaps was counting down from 200 in the past.

SgtSurfinByrd said:
MurderToDeath are you out to make hello clan purposely worse? To me it seems that way.
Your low level attacks don't make your comments any better!
SgtSurfinByrd said:
Think about this, with 250 tickets per ide, with 40 players on hello sever (20 per team), thats an average of 12.5 kills per person, an awfuly unexciting number. Factor in the suicides, accidental deaths, and ticket loss, your looking at probably 11.5 or much less per map, even less exciting. At 400 thats an average of 20kills per person with 40 people on. Hello server ussually has a large amount of playerson, and often cramming 40+ players in 250 tickets will fail.
To me that's not a math test! I just know how great 200 tickets worked in the past and anyone who played in the past will know it, too!
SgtSurfinByrd said:
However, an alternative to what your proposing is to put a time limit on hello server of no less than 30:00
Time limits are utter rubbish! You know it, i know it, everyone knows it! You just make this suggestion, because you know it's utter rubbish. But it's not the only alternative!
SgtSurfinByrd said:
How if you complain about a 30miniute round, go to someother server instead of considering selfishly about the minority only here, and not caring about what the majority of people who have no problem with, (yes rounds go too long occasionally, but that occasionally not most of the time).
Don't you notice that you are selfish? I just made a suggestion to go oldschool, but you behave like the owner of everything here, just to defend something that you obviously like. You behave like a baby!


Forum Newbie
Local time
10:25 PM
Jul 31, 2010
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Montréal, Qc. Canada
Yes we are!

With 200 I personally don't get enough time to do tactical stuff.

300-325 could be better since (400+200)/2 = 300 and (400+250)/2 = 325. It would be a compromise, we would therefore need a vote.


Grand Master
Local time
5:25 AM
Sep 27, 2010
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the Netherlands
Kurk said:
400 tickets is ridiculously long. Fall of Saigon and maps like it take forever and offer little in terms of enjoyment.
Fall of Saigon is one of the best map, you just need to find some fun stuff to do ( rocket car, c4 jeeping, tank war, flying the airplane, sniping)

You say that 400 tickets takes 48 minutes, which would mean that not even 8 people were killed per minute and that there was no bleeding because of flags at all ( 400/48=8,3), so that proberbly means the server was barely populated. And I agree that when only 15 people are on the maps take too long, but there is no problem when there are over 30 people. (Except in dart, I still think towers should respawn again)


Forum Rookie
Local time
4:25 AM
Jun 10, 2010
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Theodor Forselius
Excuse me, but didn't we raise the tickets because of a similiar topic where Everyone agreed that 200 was to little?
Especially when the server was full or atleast between 30-50 players, the maps ended in 5-10 minutes.


CommandoBeta said:
Fall of Saigon is one of the best map, you just need to find some fun stuff to do ( rocket car, c4 jeeping, tank war, flying the airplane, sniping)
How can you presume that everyone must like what you like? There are maps that people don't like and 400 tickets are too long. The best evidence is that most people leave during the round.

CommandoBeta said:
You say that 400 tickets takes 48 minutes, which would mean that not even 8 people were killed per minute and that there was no bleeding because of flags at all ( 400/48=8,3), so that proberbly means the server was barely populated. And I agree that when only 15 people are on the maps take too long, but there is no problem when there are over 30 people. (Except in dart, I still think towers should respawn again)
The server had actually 40 people playing on it!

helloclan13 said:
Excuse me, but didn't we raise the tickets because of a similiar topic where Everyone agreed that 200 was to little?
Especially when the server was full or atleast between 30-50 players, the maps ended in 5-10 minutes.

I don't recall maps ending within 5-10 minutes, except when bridge raping on Reclaiming Hue. Bridge raping takes just longer with 400 tickets.


Just Joined
Local time
4:25 AM
Aug 15, 2011
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Just go back to 500 its to less its finished in 15 min youre not in the fight. :!:


MurdertoDeath said:
I don't recall maps ending within 5-10 minutes, except when bridge raping on Reclaiming Hue. Bridge raping takes just longer with 400 tickets.
MurdertoDeath said:
never heard someone saying time was too short, when Allmaps was counting down from 200 in the past.
Well sorry to rain on ur parade, but stop trying to cover ur ass and make it seem like ur not wrong, because you are. people complained about it being to short ... for proof read this: http://forum.helloclan.eu/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=92

MurdertoDeath said:
How can you presume that everyone must like what you like? There are maps that people don't like and 400 tickets are too long. The best evidence is that most people leave during the round.

Again wrong. I am on bfv quite often. maps will often go 30+ minutes, and some people leavebut most do not, so qquit procrastinating to get ur way, but that could easily just be bcause o reason other than its map has gone to long (everyone has to leave at somepoint, the time of day matters too, people in different parts of the world are on at different times so they leave at to go to bed when its lets say 4pm for you), so donmt speak for everyone when you are not everyone.

MurdertoDeath said:
Time limits are utter rubbish! You know it, i know it, everyone knows it! You just make this suggestion, because you know it's utter rubbish. But it's not the only alternative!
Again stop speaking for every, time limis are perfectly acceptable, the leading bf1942 server bih has time limits, and they work quite well, so stop saying bukl shit to get ur way. if a time limit of 30minutes was imposed than no round would gpo over 30 minutes a perfectly acceptable amount of time., and therefore the maps arent to short or too long. Now if ythink thats to long and like 5 minute maps, stop whining and go to a different server instead of wasting our time.


Forum Newbie
Local time
10:25 PM
Jul 31, 2010
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Montréal, Qc. Canada
And btw MurderToDeath, if you want short games I would suggest you Call of Duty, Combat Arms or World of Tanks (15 mins max)


Elite Poster
Local time
12:55 PM
Jul 21, 2010
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400 is a good number because the server does get busy often, so we need it set where it is. ( i remember when the tickets were higher than 400...and lower aswell.. :D )

Old Hippo

Today playing on Con Thien, there were only ~160 tickets at the start... it was sad, the map ended before it started.