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Ban: AleX

Local time
12:58 AM
Oct 20, 2016
Reaction score
Player's Name: AleX

Admin's Name: HeiligWahrheit | Reported

Rule(s) Broken: Glitching

Action Taken: 30 day ban

Ban Expiry: Jan 17, 2025

Visual Evidence: No

Chatlogs: No

Admins Note:
You have been reported. Using glitches on the map Saigon is against our rules and unnecessary when playing with 6 players. Those is strictly against our rules and players warned you about that. You continued with this behaviour, so you receive a 30day ban. You are welcome back after your ban, if you respect our rules you can find here: https://forum.helloclan.eu/resources/32/
Local time
12:58 AM
Oct 20, 2016
Reaction score

After radicals was banned some years ago, he wrote this ban appeal, which was rejected in 2019: https://forum.helloclan.eu/threads/8813/#post-62264

In 2021, he was allowed back in the server: https://forum.helloclan.eu/threads/9444/#post-65401

Since then, he played as different player-names, just as "Engelsgesicht".

In the last days, he played as "AleX" on our server. Several people saw him glitching in Saigon and reported that to us. We did not ban him without proof, until a video was sent to us, which showed him glitching and taking an unfair advantage in game. That's why this ban has been created.

He knew what he did and he was told to stop by several players. After this ban, he decided to discuss this ban, which would be okay. But he tried to show double-standards which are not there. He accused me of lying.

The funny thing is, I never was into that "radicals-thing", I just looked into this situation without all the background.

The end of this story: He was allowed to be back on our server in 2021, if he behaves. He didn't, insulted me, and I'm tired of such personalities.

AleX aka radicals is now perma-banned again.
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