If I could offer my own useless opinion (

- First suggestion is impossible to program, unless that's something that can be done from the server. The game engine isn't set up for it being done in the maps themselves. As for having a rule about it, I think there's merit to the idea, but I would say 16 players is too high a minimum limit. Maybe somewhere around 10 would be more appropriate. Although I don't play often during the week, I do often see the number of active players while I'm on Discord or doing modding testing, and I see numbers around 8-12 during the week far more often than I see 16+.
- I feel neutral overall about map vote. I think it definitely has merit as far as allowing players to choose the maps they want and avoid pushing away some players, but we also run the risk of getting stuck with a loud majority voting for the same few maps again and scaring off other people anyway. I can say for myself that if I get on to play and people start voting "Hastings Hastings Hastings!" I'm out, and I think some other people will be as well.
- I'm 100% in support of player kick vote, having played a match on Reclaiming Hue where it was an AFK and me vs three players on the other team, or effectively 1v3, and also a few incidents with problem-players when there's no admin around to kick them. We've got a good crew for the most part, and I can't really see player kick vote being abused, so I'm not sure there are any arguments to be made against having it.