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makes a comment then locks the thread?

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Local time
5:25 PM
Nov 21, 2015
Reaction score
I wonder why fragga is having problems with most admins? Do they all have double standards? Why are people, who are good with him at the beginning (Disco, Ice, Me) and giving him chances having problems/fights later on? Or could it be fragga, who is always trying to show some double standards, that are not present?
6. Regardless of the past (fragga accusing me of double standards etc.) LTShaun and I will take an action based on the facts of what happened.
7. I will close this thread to avoid further public discussions/fights. I'm tired of it.

Please list MOST admins that you speak of Heils, I'm truly interested to see if it's factual or fictional.

I wasn't aware that I hold such power that I made ICE leave. How did I gain that much power?
Your response in locking threads because you don't like what is said, sound very much like fascism, It's 2024 not 1934.
Regardless of what has happened in the past, certain players/admins now have a problem with Al Gore talking about him in a negative manner behind his back when he isn't online to defend himself if he so chooses. Whats the word for that behaviour??? Oh, Cowardliness. Why? Is it because Al see whats going on and records it and we all know those that break the rules when in power don't like being caught and put on show for all to see really what goes on. There seems to be quiet an interesting log on the chat of Discord, is that monitored by senior admins?
Does his clips show certain players/admins trying to get a rise from players with name calling. Kicking without reason banning some for swearing when others, admin included say 'Fag got' 'Knee Grow' or this morning 'Nig gar' Rules for thee not for I ?:)
Grass and DTK must be happy they can have a rest from harassing me.As both have stopped being well, you know themselves :)
I thank Al Gore for taking the time to record and publish his clips, (he dedicates his time money and energy in trying to keep the game going, by posting you tube clips to get attention to the game) as they don't lie about what is done or said, as the logs aren't read fully so much can be missed and rebuked without evidence. Lastly You can't have a 'Fight' in words, an argument yes, a disagreement yes,a discussion yes, but not a fight.
I post this knowing it will be locked, so people can't voice their opinion. Such is life :)
Local time
9:25 PM
Apr 17, 2023
Reaction score

Continuing to argue & harass the people that run this server and website, and the services you utilize, free of charge, is wild.
Local time
4:25 AM
Oct 20, 2016
Reaction score

1. I don't think I have to apologize that I'm not using the best fitting words when I try to write in a language, which is not my native language. For me, you had a fight. Call it whatever you want, that's not the point here.
2. I assume you read my post in the other thread completely. I asked for handing in proof. In the meanwhile I read the chatlogs from the incident last night. But I never saw anyone of you handing that to me. Don't expect actions without reporting anyone.
3. Which actions we take regarding our staff is not part of public discussion. If someone is becoming an admin or someone is removed, it will be announced.
4. I appreciate the videos Al Gore is recording. Sometimes I watch them, most times I don't, because I do not have the time to watch 30min BFV-videos completely. No video was sent in as a report. I like how you also appreciate Al Gore's work "(he dedicates his time money and energy in trying to keep the game going, by posting you tube clips to get attention to the game)", but are poisen to us admins while we do really spend money into this community (and time and energy like Al Gore).

You are right Fragga - this thread will be locked. And you will be banned. As I said several times before, I'm tired of this stuff and you continue to do your stuff. You are a guest here, like anyone else. You can voice up your opinion here as long as you do not insult anyone and you can drop suggestions. You started this thread by putting my actions into relation of fascism, Nazi-germany. If you would be guest at my house, I would kick you out now. This is what I do with you now in this community. This has nothing to do with fascism - this is the community of Tedde, represented by @BangBangOw @LTShaun and me and our rules are those which need to be followed. You were given several chances, I was always defending you internally to not be perma banned, this is now over. Goodbye, fragga.
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