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ban without reason

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Forum Rookie
Local time
9:34 AM
Feb 19, 2021
Reaction score
So I see admin just ban players without a reason and no log of ban in the ban section.Cool :)
Very cool indeed Fragga, just like how you've been acting lately :) A thread has been created for your majesty, you can now review it and cast upon your divine opinion of it.
Local time
2:34 AM
Nov 27, 2015
Reaction score
Northeastern USA
Dear Disco, 1 week ban is a little too harsh. Most players with actual disruptive gameplay get like a day or two or none. For example, when Tox was off his meds :) and insulted everyone left and right, he didn't even get a ban for months. Please let his majesty King Fraggarthur back for Sunday's play. I will request his majesty to avoid game chat with us commoners :D Please be a little lenient for our friend from down under. Ignore if he says something unpleasant or distasteful as we all do occasionally. I remember that you did that gracefully when you became admin. A certain player made a negative comment for your wife or mother and you didn't take him seriously. I would've reacted in kind if I were admin. That is why I'm not an admin anymore.

Also, when his majesty is in his divine silence, please don't ask him questions to rile him up as you tried with prince dtk today in Game Warden, when you repeatedly kept asking prince dtk why is he quiet when you are playing. If he is quiet, isn't it a good thing? Why remind them to chat and create situations that will lead to their ban?

Suggestion: if you simply leave certain players alone, they will probably behave better.

We love you Disco, even though you haven't been your usual self last few weeks. I hope everyone will get along. We just lost Nagi, and that should be a wakeup call for all of us. We should value each other as we all are important. When someone gets banned especially a frequent, long time player like Fragga, its a sad thing for this community. Just like a family, there are arguments and quarrels but we don't kick each other out. Thanks!

Dear Fragga, I'm sorry you were banned today. If you get unbanned and are allowed back tomorrow, please avoid game-chat and play your best. We missed you today and we needed you in Khe Sahn, Game Warden, and Saigon 1968. Thanks!
Local time
1:34 AM
Apr 17, 2023
Reaction score
Disco, you did the right thing. You cannot win with some of these people. They all adhere to the same pattern with new admins and make the overall atmosphere toxic. Ignore the riff-raff from non-admins challenging your choice to make decisions that are fully in your scope of being an admin.

Al, you gotta stop defending these people with bad behavior. You say it’s a loss to the family when people like Fragga are banned (temporarily I might add), but how many genuine, non-trouble maker players have been run off over the years because of them? I’d wager quite a few. Keeping a perpetual repeat offender around brings the entire community down as a whole; nobody wants to come play when it’s the same antics. Personally, I’d rather spend my time on Sundays doing something else then get harassed in game even when I try to hide. Just a waste of time IMO.

Para got harassed, I got harassed and now Disco gets harassed. Grow up people.
Local time
8:34 AM
Oct 20, 2016
Reaction score
I guess it's my turn then...

First of all: Then ban is justified and also with that length.

We all (or lets say, most of us) want to have a peaceful atmosphere on our servers. This is what Tedde (founder owner of helloclan who is paying for all of this) wants, so HelloClan needs to stand for that. During the time when Flight was an admin, he was heavily insulted and accused of hacking. We tried to stop all that by kicking and banning. As we saw, this this is not helping, we changed the method of trying to get it peaceful here.

When Disco came on board (an very active admin), he tried to calm tempers with his unique positive art. We also did not punish every insult or harsh statement - the server got "dirty" but not in a negative manner. We believed, that this was the key, but this immediatly changed: Players started to insult disco, to comment his actions and why he does not take action in certain situations (as explained above, he tried to handle the situations without kicking and banning, which was the right thing).

This is the consequence, we do not want to have (expacially with new players like here):

The admin team is trying their best, to keep this place peaceful. As written above, we're trying different ways to make everyone happy. We drew our conclusions that this is not possible with certain players we changed our way of punishment for. Getting to the recent ban of Fragga...

... he exactly knows what he is doing. He came back from a perma ban when RusWarrior resigned as a leader, got an admin before he was removed due to consistant rule breaking on his side (even tough he claims this was not the case, so that he is not loosing his face). Since then, he is always trying to push the admins to our limits - trying to test, when do we enforce rules and when we're not and incorrectly claiming our admins are having double standards. When we're not enforcing our rules (and are not kicking players like Grass in his opinion), he is crying. When we're enforcing our rules and he gets kicked/banned (like in this case), he is crying. Even tough he exactly knows what he has done. So there is nothing we can do for him.

Fragga, if Disco wouldn't have banned you, I would have done it. Maybe for a longer period. Wishing our admins death (even though it might have been a joke, "haha how funny you are..."), this is a heavy insult directed to one of our most active admins. They are spending their free time on the server. This won't be tolerated in any case, by any player. Noone can expect a ban topic immediatly after a ban was enforced. Be happy, that we do have our admin guidelines, that we do create ban topics. On other servers, you're not getting any information if or why you were banned. So you better be happy that we're doing it at all.

I will never understand, why people are not just playing and having some fun. Why has there always to be such drama? I will never understand it.

Final statement: I know, we're losing players right now. But as long as new players are deterred by the behaviour on our server, I'll ask the admin team to take action. This is also what Tedde wants.

Best regards,


Forum Rookie
Local time
9:34 AM
Feb 19, 2021
Reaction score
Dear Disco, 1 week ban is a little too harsh. Most players with actual disruptive gameplay get like a day or two or none. For example, when Tox was off his meds :) and insulted everyone left and right, he didn't even get a ban for months. Please let his majesty King Fraggarthur back for Sunday's play. I will request his majesty to avoid game chat with us commoners :D Please be a little lenient for our friend from down under. Ignore if he says something unpleasant or distasteful as we all do occasionally. I remember that you did that gracefully when you became admin. A certain player made a negative comment for your wife or mother and you didn't take him seriously. I would've reacted in kind if I were admin. That is why I'm not an admin anymore.

Also, when his majesty is in his divine silence, please don't ask him questions to rile him up as you tried with prince dtk today in Game Warden, when you repeatedly kept asking prince dtk why is he quiet when you are playing. If he is quiet, isn't it a good thing? Why remind them to chat and create situations that will lead to their ban?

Suggestion: if you simply leave certain players alone, they will probably behave better.

We love you Disco, even though you haven't been your usual self last few weeks. I hope everyone will get along. We just lost Nagi, and that should be a wakeup call for all of us. We should value each other as we all are important. When someone gets banned especially a frequent, long time player like Fragga, its a sad thing for this community. Just like a family, there are arguments and quarrels but we don't kick each other out. Thanks!

Dear Fragga, I'm sorry you were banned today. If you get unbanned and are allowed back tomorrow, please avoid game-chat and play your best. We missed you today and we needed you in Khe Sahn, Game Warden, and Saigon 1968. Thanks!
Al, while you haven't been around lately (last 2 months I'd say), Fragga has been playing pretty much every time there were more players (especially during the weekend). It could be easy for you to think this ban is coming out of nowhere, but in fact, Fragga has been acting progressively worse. It first started with his quarrel with Grass, which I thought they would solve (I even tried solving it myself), but it actually got worse.

You think I've not been myself, and maybe you should think about the reason for that. You probably think it's external, from something in my life. But it's not. My life is as usual, but the situation in the server is the one that's changing.

I've left them alone, and as I said, it got worse. That's not a solution, it never was and never will, not only for the server but for the whole world if you will. Your example for dtk isn't proper, because I'm simply asking him why he's silent. I clearly said in the chat:

DiscoMagpie: dtk
dtk: yes

DiscoMagpie: you're allowed to talk
dtk: cant im winning
DiscoMagpie: you just gotta be mindful of what you say

dtk can be funny, that's why I "mess" with him. His chat usually is playful, but he swears often when things don't go his way, and rarely insults. Fragga's nothing like him. When Fragga speaks, he either accuses, insults, or tries to have a serious discussion with someone. He rarely tries to have a funny or friendly conversation.

Trust me, you have no idea how many rules and how often he has broken them the past 2 months. If you've been around, you would've known about it, and wouldn't ask me to be "lenient towards him". I have been, far more than other admins would've been. So your request has absolutely no grounds. You act in defense for Fragga, but try to play more often with him, and, god forbid, if your opinion doesn't match with his, he'll stab you in the back the same way he's done with pretty much everyone else.

Fragga's shown more than once that he's two-faced, and all he cares about is having fun, in his own twisted ways, disregarding everyone else. That kind of behaviour isn't welcome anywhere.

So no, I won't reconsider his ban. You think he can keep his tongue behind his teeth? He's proven time and time again, with Ice, Flight and now me that he can't do that. He'd rather tease and insult others and then take his ban than just play quietly or try to be friendly with others. He's told me so multiple times.
Al, you gotta stop defending these people with bad behavior. You say it’s a loss to the family when people like Fragga are banned (temporarily I might add), but how many genuine, non-trouble maker players have been run off over the years because of them? I’d wager quite a few. Keeping a perpetual repeat offender around brings the entire community down as a whole; nobody wants to come play when it’s the same antics. Personally, I’d rather spend my time on Sundays doing something else then get harassed in game even when I try to hide. Just a waste of time IMO.

I completely agree with Flight's point here. No one is counting the players who've left us after all these years of playing, not because of their death, or their life getting worse/more busy, but because they couldn't bother with the toxic atmosphere that a select few have been creating and supporting like some sort of a cult from time immemorial. We can't all just play and not look in the chat. There is no voice chat in the game, and we need the chat to know if someone is taking main, if the tunnel is placed somewhere etc. It's required for team play. And this comes from a lone-wolf player, who rarely coordinates with others.

I know Aussies and New Zealanders(?) have dark humor, but he's crossed the line. And from now on I advise he doesn't make even suggestive comments about anyone, else the ban hammer will swing fast and hard.

I'd also like to add that Fragga is quick to report somebody on the forum, he even did so with Grass. But he always reports them only to me. I take that as a (former) declaration of trust, but at the same time it's also a clear show of complete distrust for all other admins. This means that he tries to get friendly with an admin, hoping that they'll do his bidding (which technically, I did, and the reason for him getting outright malicious towards me is because I stopped), because he knows very well that everyone else knows him well, and won't even lift their finger for him. I don't think such a person should be given any amnesties.

I'm also asking @Hopper to cease comments about Fragga, whether he's in the server or not (because someone like Al might report to him in his absence), and also to play by your usual nicknames. He clearly said to me that he's going to become even more hostile towards you because you used his real name as your nickname, which I also agree is a big no. If he's doing anything to rile you up, or breaking any rules, I ask that you report him immediately.

Lastly, Fragga has been the one to urge me lately to "either do my job, or stop being an admin". So I'm doing exactly what he asked ordered me to do, and that is start "doing my job". :)

Let this also come off as a warning for Grasshopper, he's also been doing his part in making Fragga act like this. And all he's taken from me was a single kick. I've been much too lenient with both of them, but this has to stop. Someone (I believe it was Rbilly?) even said that "it's Fragga's server now", because he never gets punished. I think you should give this a little thought Al, before trying to defend someone like him again.

P.S. Pinky, if you're reading this, you should also report to the other staff/admins (Heilig, Shaun, Mir for example), and not just me. I've also noticed you doing it, but me alone don't know everything that's going on in the server. Just because I'm the most active admin doesn't mean I'm the only one there is 😃
Local time
7:34 AM
Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Ayo! I just read through all of that. I have been away as well for close to a year.
I was completely unaware of the maliciousness going on in the server. I was there when Frag said you had died in a car accident, i was instantly shocked.
After i was informed this wasNot true but rather just him poking fun, (poor taste i might add) i didnt really think anything else of it other than him trying to be funny. I was unaware the drama that has been taking place.

Apologies for pressing the FF issue in such a "crappy time" for the server and some of the admins and members here.

I am glad you didn't die in a car accident Disco :):). I was like "Not another"!!!

And lastly, Very well worded Flight, Heilig, and Disco. Each of your statements are sound asf!
Local time
8:34 PM
Nov 21, 2015
Reaction score
Disco, you did the right thing. You cannot win with some of these people. They all adhere to the same pattern with new admins and make the overall atmosphere toxic. Ignore the riff-raff from non-admins challenging your choice to make decisions that are fully in your scope of being an admin.

Al, you gotta stop defending these people with bad behavior. You say it’s a loss to the family when people like Fragga are banned (temporarily I might add), but how many genuine, non-trouble maker players have been run off over the years because of them? I’d wager quite a few. Keeping a perpetual repeat offender around brings the entire community down as a whole; nobody wants to come play when it’s the same antics. Personally, I’d rather spend my time on Sundays doing something else then get harassed in game even when I try to hide. Just a waste of time IMO.

Para got harassed, I got harassed and now Disco gets harassed. Grow up people.
Yes Flight I also would like to spend my time playing not being attacked by bias players like yourself, you got what you deserved as we all do :) you became a complete ass as an admin that's why no one liked you, you did more in a few months to run people off the game than anyone else ever did.Ive said this once then ive said it a hundred times I DONT START THE SHIT, and fuk'd if i'll lay down like a dog and roll over and take it without retaliation.
Local time
8:34 PM
Nov 21, 2015
Reaction score
I guess it's my turn then...

First of all: Then ban is justified and also with that length.

We all (or lets say, most of us) want to have a peaceful atmosphere on our servers. This is what Tedde (founder owner of helloclan who is paying for all of this) wants, so HelloClan needs to stand for that. During the time when Flight was an admin, he was heavily insulted and accused of hacking. We tried to stop all that by kicking and banning. As we saw, this this is not helping, we changed the method of trying to get it peaceful here.

When Disco came on board (an very active admin), he tried to calm tempers with his unique positive art. We also did not punish every insult or harsh statement - the server got "dirty" but not in a negative manner. We believed, that this was the key, but this immediatly changed: Players started to insult disco, to comment his actions and why he does not take action in certain situations (as explained above, he tried to handle the situations without kicking and banning, which was the right thing).

This is the consequence, we do not want to have (expacially with new players like here):
View attachment 3533

The admin team is trying their best, to keep this place peaceful. As written above, we're trying different ways to make everyone happy. We drew our conclusions that this is not possible with certain players we changed our way of punishment for. Getting to the recent ban of Fragga...

... he exactly knows what he is doing. He came back from a perma ban when RusWarrior resigned as a leader, got an admin before he was removed due to consistant rule breaking on his side (even tough he claims this was not the case, so that he is not loosing his face). Since then, he is always trying to push the admins to our limits - trying to test, when do we enforce rules and when we're not and incorrectly claiming our admins are having double standards. When we're not enforcing our rules (and are not kicking players like Grass in his opinion), he is crying. When we're enforcing our rules and he gets kicked/banned (like in this case), he is crying. Even tough he exactly knows what he has done. So there is nothing we can do for him.

Fragga, if Disco wouldn't have banned you, I would have done it. Maybe for a longer period. Wishing our admins death (even though it might have been a joke, "haha how funny you are..."), this is a heavy insult directed to one of our most active admins. They are spending their free time on the server. This won't be tolerated in any case, by any player. Noone can expect a ban topic immediatly after a ban was enforced. Be happy, that we do have our admin guidelines, that we do create ban topics. On other servers, you're not getting any information if or why you were banned. So you better be happy that we're doing it at all.
View attachment 3534

I will never understand, why people are not just playing and having some fun. Why has there always to be such drama? I will never understand it.

Final statement: I know, we're losing players right now. But as long as new players are deterred by the behaviour on our server, I'll ask the admin team to take action. This is also what Tedde wants.

Best regards,
When have i said I was unfairly banned? All i asked was why? then the next thing you know so many have their panties in a knot.Look bqack at the logs my german friend and see who starts the shit,Grass or TDK all I do is respond in kind.Like grass being told my real name by Hoo then using my real name as a player name.or Disco using my player name Fragga to upset Grass making grass think it was me, Yeah that's well within the rule book for admins.Did I report either grass or disco? NO I didnt. I come on using a different name to try to avoid fuk tards harassing me, but I am, called out due to my ping from admins and certain players like grass calling me a Fa ggot to get around the banned words so I do the same to him. or Disco prompting grass to be abusive towards me.
DiscoMagpie: bring who? fragga?

Gra$$HoPPer: fk that fa ggot

So lets keep it REAL Hells. No not everyone like me just as not every one like you, but I do have players that like me and we play as a team,which ones I hear you say The ones that are polite to me and in return Im polite to them. Even DTK is learning not to harrass me and we dont have a problem.
Local time
8:34 PM
Nov 21, 2015
Reaction score
Al, while you haven't been around lately (last 2 months I'd say), Fragga has been playing pretty much every time there were more players (especially during the weekend). It could be easy for you to think this ban is coming out of nowhere, but in fact, Fragga has been acting progressively worse. It first started with his quarrel with Grass, which I thought they would solve (I even tried solving it myself), but it actually got worse.

You think I've not been myself, and maybe you should think about the reason for that. You probably think it's external, from something in my life. But it's not. My life is as usual, but the situation in the server is the one that's changing.

I've left them alone, and as I said, it got worse. That's not a solution, it never was and never will, not only for the server but for the whole world if you will. Your example for dtk isn't proper, because I'm simply asking him why he's silent. I clearly said in the chat:

DiscoMagpie: dtk
dtk: yes

DiscoMagpie: you're allowed to talk
dtk: cant im winning
DiscoMagpie: you just gotta be mindful of what you say

dtk can be funny, that's why I "mess" with him. His chat usually is playful, but he swears often when things don't go his way, and rarely insults. Fragga's nothing like him. When Fragga speaks, he either accuses, insults, or tries to have a serious discussion with someone. He rarely tries to have a funny or friendly conversation.

Trust me, you have no idea how many rules and how often he has broken them the past 2 months. If you've been around, you would've known about it, and wouldn't ask me to be "lenient towards him". I have been, far more than other admins would've been. So your request has absolutely no grounds. You act in defense for Fragga, but try to play more often with him, and, god forbid, if your opinion doesn't match with his, he'll stab you in the back the same way he's done with pretty much everyone else.

Fragga's shown more than once that he's two-faced, and all he cares about is having fun, in his own twisted ways, disregarding everyone else. That kind of behaviour isn't welcome anywhere.

So no, I won't reconsider his ban. You think he can keep his tongue behind his teeth? He's proven time and time again, with Ice, Flight and now me that he can't do that. He'd rather tease and insult others and then take his ban than just play quietly or try to be friendly with others. He's told me so multiple times.

I completely agree with Flight's point here. No one is counting the players who've left us after all these years of playing, not because of their death, or their life getting worse/more busy, but because they couldn't bother with the toxic atmosphere that a select few have been creating and supporting like some sort of a cult from time immemorial. We can't all just play and not look in the chat. There is no voice chat in the game, and we need the chat to know if someone is taking main, if the tunnel is placed somewhere etc. It's required for team play. And this comes from a lone-wolf player, who rarely coordinates with others.

I know Aussies and New Zealanders(?) have dark humor, but he's crossed the line. And from now on I advise he doesn't make even suggestive comments about anyone, else the ban hammer will swing fast and hard.

I'd also like to add that Fragga is quick to report somebody on the forum, he even did so with Grass. But he always reports them only to me. I take that as a (former) declaration of trust, but at the same time it's also a clear show of complete distrust for all other admins. This means that he tries to get friendly with an admin, hoping that they'll do his bidding (which technically, I did, and the reason for him getting outright malicious towards me is because I stopped), because he knows very well that everyone else knows him well, and won't even lift their finger for him. I don't think such a person should be given any amnesties.

I'm also asking @Hopper to cease comments about Fragga, whether he's in the server or not (because someone like Al might report to him in his absence), and also to play by your usual nicknames. He clearly said to me that he's going to become even more hostile towards you because you used his real name as your nickname, which I also agree is a big no. If he's doing anything to rile you up, or breaking any rules, I ask that you report him immediately.

Lastly, Fragga has been the one to urge me lately to "either do my job, or stop being an admin". So I'm doing exactly what he asked ordered me to do, and that is start "doing my job". :)

Let this also come off as a warning for Grasshopper, he's also been doing his part in making Fragga act like this. And all he's taken from me was a single kick. I've been much too lenient with both of them, but this has to stop. Someone (I believe it was Rbilly?) even said that "it's Fragga's server now", because he never gets punished. I think you should give this a little thought Al, before trying to defend someone like him again.

P.S. Pinky, if you're reading this, you should also report to the other staff/admins (Heilig, Shaun, Mir for example), and not just me. I've also noticed you doing it, but me alone don't know everything that's going on in the server. Just because I'm the most active admin doesn't mean I'm the only one there is 😃
That would be the same amount of rules well actually less than grass hopper has broken Disco. When have I stabbed you in the back? You're becoming paranoid others have noticed it also, you say you try to calm things down that just outright bullshit you have attempted to stir the pot just as much as anyone.Now you want to play the victim and say how you are affected by it? Please show the logs where i've said do your job or stop being admin. What I have noticed is when players insult me or harass me or wants to cause game disruption to my game, they cry the loudest when I do unto others by doing the same to them as they have or are doing to me. As to making a joke about you dying in car accident you thought it was funny when I first started saying it about nagi.I think some people need a spoon full of concrete. As to reporting players I have mentioned Grass being a dick in a DM to you So NOT to report him I sent that DM to you as a person not as an admin.You thought it was funny that grass used my real name as a players name, you thought it was funny to use Fragga as your name to cause shit then say" I did it to see your reaction".So you admit you do shit to cause a reaction
Yet you talk about back stabbing ? You then go on the attack towards Al who I get along with great as we are polite to each other and play as a team\,but that seems to rile you for some reason so you start to attack him? How about this little buddy you follow the rules of the game and of admin ,dont converse with me and I won't with you,Time I start recording all the games I play to show who starts the shit and what context it is said in.
Local time
8:34 PM
Nov 21, 2015
Reaction score
Ayo! I just read through all of that. I have been away as well for close to a year.
I was completely unaware of the maliciousness going on in the server. I was there when Frag said you had died in a car accident, i was instantly shocked.
After i was informed this wasNot true but rather just him poking fun, (poor taste i might add) i didnt really think anything else of it other than him trying to be funny. I was unaware the drama that has been taking place.

Apologies for pressing the FF issue in such a "crappy time" for the server and some of the admins and members here.

I am glad you didn't die in a car accident Disco :):). I was like "Not another"!!!

And lastly, Very well worded Flight, Heilig, and Disco. Each of your statements are sound asf!
Oh Tox thanks for the LOL moment,
Local time
8:34 PM
Nov 21, 2015
Reaction score
Dear Disco, 1 week ban is a little too harsh. Most players with actual disruptive gameplay get like a day or two or none. For example, when Tox was off his meds :) and insulted everyone left and right, he didn't even get a ban for months. Please let his majesty King Fraggarthur back for Sunday's play. I will request his majesty to avoid game chat with us commoners :D Please be a little lenient for our friend from down under. Ignore if he says something unpleasant or distasteful as we all do occasionally. I remember that you did that gracefully when you became admin. A certain player made a negative comment for your wife or mother and you didn't take him seriously. I would've reacted in kind if I were admin. That is why I'm not an admin anymore.

Also, when his majesty is in his divine silence, please don't ask him questions to rile him up as you tried with prince dtk today in Game Warden, when you repeatedly kept asking prince dtk why is he quiet when you are playing. If he is quiet, isn't it a good thing? Why remind them to chat and create situations that will lead to their ban?

Suggestion: if you simply leave certain players alone, they will probably behave better.

We love you Disco, even though you haven't been your usual self last few weeks. I hope everyone will get along. We just lost Nagi, and that should be a wakeup call for all of us. We should value each other as we all are important. When someone gets banned especially a frequent, long time player like Fragga, its a sad thing for this community. Just like a family, there are arguments and quarrels but we don't kick each other out. Thanks!

Dear Fragga, I'm sorry you were banned today. If you get unbanned and are allowed back tomorrow, please avoid game-chat and play your best. We missed you today and we needed you in Khe Sahn, Game Warden, and Saigon 1968. Thanks!
Thanks for your support AL please dont get on the off side of certain admins by defending me.You and I play well together as you dont insult me or stir shit up. Ill always use the glasses for your mortar :) Grass has been causing problems for ages TK me setting of my mines while Disco watches him, coming up to my position and getting in my face so I cant see, again while being watched by disco.Shooting me just enough not to kill me, calling me a Fa gott which actually got a LOL from disco, but now grass wants me to stop what he started?
DiscoMagpie: bring who? fragga?

Gra$$HoPPer: fk that fa ggot

DiscoMagpie: l o l

When players like TDK thought i was black he would make racist comments about being aborigine, again done under the eye of Disco.Its was all fun and games then.Now he has been called on his behaviour he is upset and crying foul. I'm happy I'm not the only one that has noticed Disco's change and his true colours are showing.


Forum Rookie
Local time
9:34 AM
Feb 19, 2021
Reaction score
When have i said I was unfairly banned? All i asked was why? then the next thing you know so many have their panties in a knot.Look bqack at the logs my german friend and see who starts the shit,Grass or TDK all I do is respond in kind.Like grass being told my real name by Hoo then using my real name as a player name.or Disco using my player name Fragga to upset Grass making grass think it was me, Yeah that's well within the rule book for admins.Did I report either grass or disco? NO I didnt. I come on using a different name to try to avoid fuk tards harassing me, but I am, called out due to my ping from admins and certain players like grass calling me a Fa ggot to get around the banned words so I do the same to him. or Disco prompting grass to be abusive towards me.
DiscoMagpie: bring who? fragga?

Gra$$HoPPer: fk that fa ggot

So lets keep it REAL Hells. No not everyone like me just as not every one like you, but I do have players that like me and we play as a team,which ones I hear you say The ones that are polite to me and in return Im polite to them. Even DTK is learning not to harrass me and we dont have a problem.
Fragga, you've said so much stuff that's outright the opposite of what I've said and done that I can't even respond to anything.

To answer the main accusations: yes I used your name to try and fix stuff between you and Grass. And it worked, for a day or two you didn't bicker. But you think I was "stirring shit up". That's fine, you can't know if you weren't there, you can only accuse.


I think this is enough to prove you're full of s*** and everything you say is a lie, no? Why would you make me show you something you know you've done if you know I have the logs? Maybe that pot is getting in your head.

I never said I found anything of the sorts funny, I told you to stop it even. Or do I have to pull the logs for that too? With your memory as selective as it is, I might have, but I won't. I can't be bothered to prove your blatant disregard for reality any further than this.

I attack Al? Do I need to pull his snarky comments out of the logs as well? I dare say unprovoked ones? Because he made me his #1 enemy after I told him we don't get to change a map? You two like to band together on every admin you see, I can't wait to see you two falling out the same way you do with everyone else Fragga. It's in your nature to use and then spit out others.

About the instance you said of Grass teamkilling himself in you, I kicked him that match, or did you forget that as well? Why do you keep bringing up things that only work against you, do you enjoy being the bad guy and getting banned?

I'm being called out, and my colors are showing? You literally copied what I said, and try to use it against me lol. If what you said made any more sense, I'd respond to it, but I won't.

And you yet again admitted that you'd rather continue the drama, instead of properly reporting people. Fragga, in all honestly, my opinion is that you have no rights at all playing among us. You've shown that you're incapable of changing your ways, and you continue doing the same wicked things you do, and then try to pull the "I'm innocent he made me do it" flag. That's just disgusting. No point in letting you ruin everyone's fun when you're going to continue doing this until the day you find so funny.
Local time
8:34 PM
Nov 21, 2015
Reaction score
Fragga, you've said so much stuff that's outright the opposite of what I've said and done that I can't even respond to anything.

To answer the main accusations: yes I used your name to try and fix stuff between you and Grass. And it worked, for a day or two you didn't bicker. But you think I was "stirring shit up". That's fine, you can't know if you weren't there, you can only accuse.

View attachment 3535

I think this is enough to prove you're full of s*** and everything you say is a lie, no? Why would you make me show you something you know you've done if you know I have the logs? Maybe that pot is getting in your head.

I never said I found anything of the sorts funny, I told you to stop it even. Or do I have to pull the logs for that too? With your memory as selective as it is, I might have, but I won't. I can't be bothered to prove your blatant disregard for reality any further than this.

I attack Al? Do I need to pull his snarky comments out of the logs as well? I dare say unprovoked ones? Because he made me his #1 enemy after I told him we don't get to change a map? You two like to band together on every admin you see, I can't wait to see you two falling out the same way you do with everyone else Fragga. It's in your nature to use and then spit out others.

About the instance you said of Grass teamkilling himself in you, I kicked him that match, or did you forget that as well? Why do you keep bringing up things that only work against you, do you enjoy being the bad guy and getting banned?

I'm being called out, and my colors are showing? You literally copied what I said, and try to use it against me lol. If what you said made any more sense, I'd respond to it, but I won't.

And you yet again admitted that you'd rather continue the drama, instead of properly reporting people. Fragga, in all honestly, my opinion is that you have no rights at all playing among us. You've shown that you're incapable of changing your ways, and you continue doing the same wicked things you do, and then try to pull the "I'm innocent he made me do it" flag. That's just disgusting. No point in letting you ruin everyone's fun when you're going to continue doing this until the day you find so funny.
At least you admitted to using my player name pretending to be me then to say you did it to try to bring grass and I together, yet you said it was to see my reaction.? Don't be upset little buddy I'm not, I have not complained about being banned All I asked was why and why no report was done until I mentioned as to why a report wasn't done.Then you make passive aggressive comments to another player. As to falling out with others 'falling out the same way you do with everyone else Fragga. It's in your nature to use and then spit out others'. Oh do tell, who have I used and spit out? You? Grass? TDK? Oh you mean the c*cks that go after me, then cry when I do the same back to them? So do tell who is EVERYONE little buddy?
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Local time
8:34 PM
Nov 21, 2015
Reaction score
Disco, you did the right thing. You cannot win with some of these people. They all adhere to the same pattern with new admins and make the overall atmosphere toxic. Ignore the riff-raff from non-admins challenging your choice to make decisions that are fully in your scope of being an admin.

Al, you gotta stop defending these people with bad behavior. You say it’s a loss to the family when people like Fragga are banned (temporarily I might add), but how many genuine, non-trouble maker players have been run off over the years because of them? I’d wager quite a few. Keeping a perpetual repeat offender around brings the entire community down as a whole; nobody wants to come play when it’s the same antics. Personally, I’d rather spend my time on Sundays doing something else then get harassed in game even when I try to hide. Just a waste of time IMO.

Para got harassed, I got harassed and now Disco gets harassed. Grow up people.
You seem to forget flight I also got harassed when I was an admin. Then I got harassed by you as an admin :) Remember all the times you constantly would ask if I was playing when you knew I was :) too the point of other players telling you to stop asking me when you know I was playing.Or did you forget that bit ? :)


Regular Poster
Local time
2:34 AM
Mar 26, 2017
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Ontario, Canada
Well this is all very disappointing to read. I know I’m not as active as I should be in the game but life gets in the way…

One thing I can agree with fragga is you and disco shouldn’t talk for a while. Cool off and heal in time.

Disco is a good admin who’s just doing his best to keep everyone happy. Which is an impossible task we all know that.

We all need to remember that this community and server is family friendly. For example my younger brother started playing on our server when he was only 11 years old. Now he is 16 but the positive and happy atmosphere is why I convinced him to join us in the first place.

I think we all need to set our opinions regarding rules and admins and players aside and just play the darn game.

I’ll see you all there next week when I’m back home. I’ve been away for a bit visiting family in Ohio USA.

Regards, LTShaun.
Local time
2:34 AM
Nov 27, 2015
Reaction score
Northeastern USA
I will defend any old player if we are about to lose him or her. I just wanted everyone to get along. We have already lost several players. I also asked Fragga to get along with Grass not too long ago when their TK revenge cycle was out of control. I explained to him how to ignore any negatives and try to be on his good side. I explained how we have a respectful way with each other, even if we disagree with each other sometimes. For example if Grass complains about some map and I don't argue with him. If I mention that the map isn't that bad, he doesn't argue with me. We value each other's company. There were times when the server was almost empty and just two or three of us would play knife fights for an hour. Good times! As you can see, this had nothing to do with Disco. I just didn't want to lose Grass nor Fragga.

I understand Disco's decision to ban Fragga. But I have also seen that others who have done far worse were given no bans. In fact, we used to joke that Tox will become admin soon because of the way he was given a free pass so many times. This was before Disco came back last year, so he may be unware of Tox's toxic behavior in game chats.

Al, you gotta stop defending these people with bad behavior.
Flight, you and I both confronted Tox due to his heavy insulting and non-stop trolling. You (and others) quickly noticed it and spoke out against him which I commended. This was one of the reasons why you ended up becoming admin. You seem to have forgotten this fact. Disco had arguments with you as well. I particularly remember a nasty one in a Hue map. Disco may have forgotten this now because of his focus on Fragga but those days Flight was disliked by several players when he was a new admin.

Remember all the times you constantly would ask if I was playing when you knew I was :) too the point of other players telling you to stop asking me when you know I was playing.Or did you forget that bit ? :)
I remember this very well. He was powertripping. I am sure Disco also remembers this. It became embarrassingly obvious that Flight was targeting you and instigating you to get riled up, say something to him that will allow him to kick you and eventually ban you. Unfortunately the same thing is repeating again now. No wonder they all are agreeing with each other and have pushed aside their differences with each other.

Because he made me his #1 enemy after I told him we don't get to change a map?
Disco, you are not my #1 enemy nor an enemy at all. I already told you how I feel about you reminding players to vote to change certain maps when no players have requested an admin to change the map. You did this again today and I didn't say anything. It is not something that will make you an enemy. It's just something that in IMO doesn't suit an admin and I honestly told you about it. I have seen other admins do this before and the server survived just fine :) In fact, when you became an admin, I mentioned to two other players on another server that they can now come back to Hello because now there's a great active admin here and if they get harassed, he will make sure it stops.

the reason for him getting outright malicious towards me
I still believe Disco is a decent admin and I said this to dtk last week when dtk accused Disco of using foul language. Then Fragga reminded me that dtk is joking. This was in Game Warden. Thank you Fragga! Please note this Disco that Fragga pointed this out to me that its a joke. If Fragga was truly outright malicious towards you then he could've turned the joke against you. He didn't.

I defended Disco last week in Game Warden (when dtk accused him of using foul language - I learned later that it was a joke), I defended Rbilly (when he was removed as admin), I defended Fragga (when he was removed as admin and banned yesterday), I defended Silvia (when RusWarrior repeatedly targeted her), I defended Tina (for excessive insulting by Vmax), I defended Matt Foley (when he was accused to being Tina with a new name), I defended several players and ex-admins over the years who IMO were being treated too harshly or targeted unnecessarily. I will defend Flight, Disco, Heilig and anyone else if this happens to them as well.

If admins can ignore Tox's non-stop trolling and insulting in 2022, then you could've ignored Fragga's misadventures as well. The fact that Tox is commenting in this thread is laughable. Silvia and Tina left in 2022 because of Tox and Phallic. It's even more strange that Disco, Flight, and Tox have forgotten how they hated each other, only because they all have ganged up against Fragga now. I'm not saying Fragga is completely innocent. We all make mistakes and we all have our issues as stated above. I am no saint, and I know none of us are. We just need to remember this before judging others.
I will never understand, why people are not just playing and having some fun. Why has there always to be such drama? I will never understand it.
Clash of personalities! Psychological issues! If game chat was used for game purposes only, and no trolling, no joking, no personal comments or attacks, no insulting is allowed, this type of drama wouldn't happen this often. Starting with admins first. Admins set an example for players. Behavior of admins will reflect on players. I had suggested two years ago some basic training for new admins where they would be advised how to behave, what to say and what not to say, how to handle conflicts, reminders, with enhanced itemized guidelines. This suggestion was unfortunately rejected.

Previously, selection of admins was also done with poor judgement which allowed trollers and unfit players with low ethical standards to become admins. This happened repeatedly. Although we have a trail-admin system, they know how to behave during the trial period and then show their true colors when they become permanent. Of course you will not agree with me but if you look at the trend during the last several years of new admins and then removal of admins, you may see what I am talking about. Only the decent ones will gracefully resign when they see that they don't suit this responsibility or cannot stand the double standards or being sidelined during important decisions or notice that they are unable to earn the respect of majority of players.

Also, by constantly selecting average regular players as trial admins and then removing them creates animosity and bitterness when they are removed. They were perfectly happy, mostly quiet, and friendly players before the uncomfortable and sometimes embarrassing experience of being removed as admins. It's a dilemma because there is a need for admins from time to time but whom to approach and if it doesn't work out then we eventually lose that player is a difficult decision.

Hopefully with you being the new clan-leader, you and other senior admins will be a better judges of moral character when selecting future admins. Good luck!
One thing I can agree with fragga is you and disco shouldn’t talk for a while. Cool off and heal in time.

Disco is a good admin who’s just doing his best to keep everyone happy. Which is an impossible task we all know that.
Well said sir.


Regular Poster
Local time
11:34 PM
Aug 1, 2013
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So I see admin just ban players without a reason and no log of ban in the ban section.Cool :)

Fragga over the past few months, I have noticed a pattern in how you approach the games. From the very beginning, you seem to bring a chippy attitude, eager to jump into old, recurring arguments and dish out the same insults and accusations. This often starts almost as soon as the game begins and intensifies when Grasshopper is present, spreading further chippiness and revisiting old conflicts.

I believe that if you could hit the reset button when you join and focus more on enjoying the game, you might find it a more pleasant experience. Letting a few team kills, rams, and friendly fire mishaps slide without immediate retaliation or argument could significantly enhance your time in the game.

I support Disco and he has shown a lot of patience time after time and is he is doing a good job imo.

Lastly, an admin can't govern based on what others did in the past, present or future. Disco made a decision and its done, it has nothing to do with the history of actions from others.
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Regular Poster
Local time
2:34 AM
Mar 26, 2017
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Fragga over the past few months, I have noticed a pattern in how you approach the games. From the very beginning, you seem to bring a chippy attitude, eager to jump into old, recurring arguments and dish out the same insults and accusations. This often starts almost as soon as the game begins and intensifies when Grasshopper is present, spreading further chippiness and revisiting old conflicts.

I believe that if you could hit the reset button when you join and focus more on enjoying the game, you might find it a more pleasant experience. Letting a few team kills, rams, and friendly fire mishaps slide without immediate retaliation or argument could significantly enhance your time in the game.

I support Disco and he has shown a lot of patience time after time and is he is doing a good job imo.

Lastly, an admin can't govern based on what others did in the past, present or future. Disco made a decision and its done, it has nothing to do with the history of actions from others.
Well said Mr 😉
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