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Goodbye 2023 / -[HELLO]- 2024 - Battlefield Vietnam

Local time
6:43 AM
Oct 20, 2016
Reaction score
Hey everyone!
Even if it's quite late, I would like to wish you all a happy new year and I hope, you had nice holidays! 2023 now belongs to the past and I would like to write a little summary.​

What was the biggest event for BFV in 2023?​

Well, I guess many of you think, I will point out one of our BFV-events now. But we had another big event: The server-change. You can see every detail here: https://www.helloclan.eu/blog/welcome-back/). In this message I just want to mention the big problems we had with our old provider. Many outages, no or very delayed support, old server, expensive. Bearing in mind, that we always wanted to bring our server(s) to a new provider, we were suddenly forced to execute that switch after a big outage. Many thanks to @IceSkater and @htn who put full-time effort into setting up the new server. That's why I want to point out once again the new IP-Adress:
Battlefield Vietnam:

BFV-Events of 2023​

We had several events in 2023. As you might have noticed, we did not have that many events this year. Besides the fact, that we had to set up a new server including all problems, we just do not have the capacity to organize such an amount of events. Some people like @MacGyver Araujo are helping us on different ways, but it needs some time to ensure, that this events will go well. As you can imagine, only posting a little information here in our forum will not be enough to reach out to all our players. But now a quick summary of the past events:​

WW2 Event​

We started 2023 with a WW2 event. It had a quite good turnout with almost 30 players online at peak, but there could have been more: Some players were not able to join, because of corrupt data. We want to apologize once again for the issues. Planning an event takes several steps, including some testing. In all our tests everything went well, so we were not expecting any issues. Sorry once again! We'll try it again some time soon.​

Fill the server event Vol. 4​

After our server change, we wanted to inform as many players as possible about our new IP. That's why we organized a "Fill the server event". Well... as crazy as it sounds for a 20 year old game, we do have our enemies. People (likely one person), who want to see us failing and want to destroy the BFV-gaming for all of us. That's why this event didn't had a great turnout - the server was hacked and many people couldn't join.​

Dice city event​

Suggested and voted by our community, we had a Dice city event in June 2023. It was something completely different and we had good numbers.​

Again: Fill the server event Vol. 4​

The Dice city event went well - so we decided to give the "Fill the server event" another try. And what can I say? 56 players at peak. Wow! Thank you all, that's motivation for us to continue putting effort into this community!​

Battlefield Balkan Modified Event​

Again something different with a good turnout!​

Christmas Event 2023​

After a good crowd in 2022, we repeated the event. Most popular mpas, different mode, almost 40 players - what a finish for 2023!​

What's happening in 2024?​

Well... nothing special. We will have our events, we will try to improve the gaming experience here and there but will be close to the todays game. We tried something with bots on weekdays, but disabled them after a short time. We experienced, that bigger changes need the support of almost everyone of you. We will have some ideas in future, discuss them and try them. But we'll keep the game basically as it is - that's why this game is alive since 20 years.​

Anything else happened in 2023 good to know?​

Well, a lot. But the most important: You can download the full game in our forum! After @IceSkater created an installer, @ThatZaliaSGuy made one with literally everything you need. An account in our forum is mandatory. Spread the word, download the game here: https://forum.helloclan.eu/resources/74/
Another big thing in 2023 was the gaming with n0bk (https://m.twitch.tv/n0bk) and his community. I mean... THEY JUST FILLED OUR SERVER! 52 players and more wanted to join on the 30/12/2023. What an experience! Thank you very much n0bk for the gaming!
We are currently having some issues with the server, as it crashes almost one time a day. I can tell you, that several persons are working on a solution and we're trying several things. As long as this keeps happening, I would like to ask you to stay online. Contact an admin by opening a support ticket (https://forum.helloclan.eu/support-tickets/open) and the server will be back up running in some minutes. I'm sorry, but this is how it is right now.
Many things are happening in the background - technically. I don't want to praise myself, but the effort of @htn, @BangBangOw, @IceSkater and all of our staff!
And lastly, I would like to thank everyone of our community! For your gaming, for your constructive critism/input and for your personalities! You are the guys and girls, who keep this game running. Thank you very much!

Best regards,