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1 month ban

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Local time
9:20 AM
Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
This ban is such a joke!

Ice, you compiled a PILE of logs that i cant respond to Unless i cared enough to copy and paste .... And Then respond to individually just to prove my point. Just gona leave a shorty but right to the point message about this ban.
What a waste.

Whoever you are, Bask in your glory.

All of the logs you presented against me.. in all of that garble you researched and put such effort forth... was it all really ban worthy?

How petty are we going?

I get blatently fkn nametagged and file reports and its not even raised an eyebrow ... Instead I get Advise a person to record and post a video... as if Anyone is doing that shit on a 17 yr old game.... Administration like : Nothing to see here!
I report it, ask for help.... No replies.... Nothing to see here! just play and be happy and dont ask any questions


Now i get banned because i am chatting with a couple people in game who ive gamed with for Years and i said something disrespectful?
I said something ban worthy? What Was It?

As a matter of fact, in that same conversation there was another person calling the admin in name a bitch... I never insulted this person. But i was kicked for being involved in the conversation.

You begin your crusade against me with this false narrative that i was instigating some bla bla in chat. when the logs in their entirety, will clearly show that i wasnt doing any of that, I was mearly engaging in the conversation taking place, and explaining why i had not been playing much lately....
and now will be playing Much MUch less.
You are copy and pasting, and injecting your points.

Looks to me like You, and whoever the haters are, are really trying to see me out.

You really trying to retire a vet?

Aight. been doin it for fun anyways.
How goddamn long ive been gaming with yall?
Do wtf ever you think you gotta do.
Last edited:
Local time
10:20 AM
Jan 6, 2021
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South Africa
Real Name
Let me make this clearer for you Toxic,

The logs are just an addition. As I said in your ban topic here:
With a discussion between active admins, and a review of the most recent behavior, including some of your more prominent past issues, we have collectively decided to give you a forced vacation from HelloClan's Battlefield Vietnam server.
Nowhere did I say "These logs shall prove all our reasons as to why we are doing this 1 month ban". Please read what I said. Slowly if need be. I said we will review the most recent chat to make a point of what your behavior generally is.

Furthermore, and as I said in the topic, everything was fine. Everyone was fine. Until you chose to put the stove on and start stirring the pot. This is a habit of yours.

All of the logs you presented against me.. in all of that garble you researched and put such effort forth... was it all really ban worthy?
See above. :) I see we like repeating ourselves.

I get blatently fkn nametagged and file reports and its not even raised an eyebrow ... Instead I get Advise a person to record and post a video... as if Anyone is doing that shit on a 17 yr old game.... Administration like : Nothing to see here!
This was answered already. In your ban topic "Addressed to Toxic & Blueheeler". The recent reports from you were an Admin report which I did ignore because it was based off of fallacies that you created in order to justify what you do in-game and via game chat. Actual player offences reported by you have been dealt with one way or another and we always informed you of what was happening. Don't try place a blanket over everything, we actually do stuff rightly in your eyes here and there. Even if you don't give us credit.

Now i get banned because i am chatting with a couple people in game who ive gamed with for Years and i said something disrespectful?
I said something ban worthy? What Was It?
See above. Again, we like repeating ourselves.

As a matter of fact, in that same conversation there was another person calling the admin in name a bitch... I never insulted this person. But i was kicked for being involved in the conversation.
Sigh, see above and your Ban topic logs. I kicked Grass for that and I kicked you for choosing to start such a conversation and continue adding to it. That was not the first time either. Let me also remind you, that YOU started that conversation.

You begin your crusade against me with this false narrative that i was instigating some bla bla in chat. when the logs in their entirety, will clearly show that i wasnt doing any of that, I was mearly engaging in the conversation taking place, and explaining why i had not been playing much lately....
and now will be playing Much MUch less.
You are copy and pasting, and injecting your points.
Again, see above. Must I put it in bold for you?

With a discussion between active admins, and a review of the most recent behavior, including some of your more prominent past issues, we have collectively decided to give you a forced vacation from HelloClan's Battlefield Vietnam server.

I'll add to the above as well and say that the conversation regarding your ban had been hanging in the air prior to the "last straw" of your behavior.

Looks to me like You, and whoever the haters are, are really trying to see me out.
With all due respect, you don't give me or the staff team nearly enough credit. WE all tried to prevent this from happening. Whether you want to believe it or not. You chose this path.

Also, bluntly put from me in my personal capacity and a little off topic;
I did not hate you, and right now I don't actually hate you either. So don't talk crap. I started to "dislike" you after you started taking advantage of having me on your "speed dial" on Discord - a thing you boasted about in the in-game chat a few good times as if to raise a point with people - and then you started bombing me about OUR decisions regarding staff. That is when I blocked you there. We used to talk very nicely, we talked a bit about our lives. Does it not occur to you that there is a reason all that broke down? Or do you not expect to get served what you in turn dish out, by me or anyone else here.

TL;DR I don't hate you. But I don't particularly like you either.

Aight. been doin it for fun anyways.
How goddamn long ive been gaming with yall?
Do wtf ever you think you gotta do.
I shall make it clear that you in fact offered that we ban you if we felt the need was there. Or was that just one big joke to you as well? :) That was said in a group DM between us leaders and Flight (and Blueheeler). One of many forms of us trying to reach out and avoid this cumulative result of your own doing.

Your post here:
why does TKO Flight give "LIKES" on topics where people are being banned, or being spoken down on?

Nothing to see here either?

Is answered perfectly by Lone Wolf:
because he can?
where is the problem?

You are still showing that you are singling out a person. And yet you still asked how petty we are going? The scales aren't balancing sir.

Anyway. Enjoy your holiday. If you want to come back, you know the terms & conditions. If you want to respect them, it would be preferred. If you don't want to, well don't throw your toys out the cot if we end up back here.

Coldest Regards,
Local time
9:20 AM
Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Nope, nope and NOPE!!!

Flight has been the center of the problem since his arrival upon HELLO server.
He immediately began harassing me from the get go. His first days and weeks in the server were spent insulting me, insulting my integrity, talking down about how i live, what i do for a living, what i dont do for a living. Accusations about me cheating in game repeated.
I did not start the garbage between the 2 of us. This was His doing... I guess now in hindsight I should have reported his abuse. But thats not what i do. Thats not how i ever dealt with insults or accusations. I didnt run and tattle.
Up until recently I wouldnt have ever dreamt of turning to the administration and saying "so and so has been insulting" "so and so has been accusing me of cheating" "so and so has been harassing me whenever i play the game"...
That wasnt my standard.

I get harassed non stop. Accused non stop. A lot from players we've all been gaming with and together for years.
I dont run to the forums. As i said until recently that has Never been my style. As i can see, filing reports about ridiculous suspicious gameplay does Nothing when the person doing it is in the administration. A lot of good that did, other than feed the fire enough fuel to push for a big juicy ban on me.

If i am singling out a person Mr. IceSkater... Its only ONLY because that same person has been singling me out since his arrival.

Friends or not.... has Nothing to do with anything you or I ever talked about during our DM chats. TBH, I started to consider you somewhat of an online pal, buddy, whatever ya wana call it. Began getting to know you a lil bit, talked about life n work n shit like that, the challenges of living in SA corrupt gov, ETC... I generally thought you were pretty cool and seemed likeable enough. You flipped a switch quickly and showed that was not the case. And its all good, Im not even bitter at you.
For whatever reason you thought i was namedropping you to get clout in the server... laughable.

Anyways, doubtful ill return after this. Between the backstabbing, lack of concern regarding the true behavior and nature of this person you are defending, and just outright bs banning me over something so minute, i doubt ill return. You literally had to reach back into the past and compile in order to make a presentable case to just ban a guy. Good work guys.
And the community shrinks yet even more. Hats off!

To some that may be met with joy :)
Others might miss the competition and banter i always came with.

Anyways, doesnt much matter. This game was great, and gaming with some of the remaining players have been great.

Always fun knife fights with Grasshopper. Crazy intense shootouts with Mav3rick and Bee and Mr. Orange. Sniper wars with Frag! Getting absolutely destroyed in helos by Mati... Magic DB :) Getting RPGd and LAWd by Paranoid and LawsomeGunner!

Much much respect to players that stayed and fought it out in infantry mode, to you guys that use the guns and turn from tanks and armor.
Chandelier and Agathysus and Scofield are just a couple that stand out, you guys are absolute beasts and deserve credit for never giving up the fight.

Barfly is a true warrior out there. LoneWolf, i will miss finding your hiding spots and shooting at you ;) Kickapoo, my neighbor to the east, its Always been fun.
HP, literally my favorite person! Its been a blast gaming with you guys!

Lastly, Thanks to Ice for trying like hell to keep this community running, and also for helping fix my PC. HTN and Heilig for doing so much to keep the server running. You guys rock.
Tedde for always forking up the $$ to keep the server paid for!

Anyways, The VERY Best of luck to all. Take care.

Local time
10:20 AM
Jan 6, 2021
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South Africa
Real Name
@toxic2 rather than respond to everything you said and try argue it out, I'll leave it at this.

Flight has been the center of the problem since his arrival upon HELLO server.
You and you alone have a problem. Not anyone else. Okay, wait maybe Blue, but other than that no one else. You don't accept your role in doing what you have done and that is the problem. It is what it is.

Friends or not.... has Nothing to do with anything you or I ever talked about during our DM chats. TBH, I started to consider you somewhat of an online pal, buddy, whatever ya wana call it. Began getting to know you a lil bit, talked about life n work n shit like that, the challenges of living in SA corrupt gov, ETC... I generally thought you were pretty cool and seemed likeable enough. You flipped a switch quickly and showed that was not the case. And its all good, Im not even bitter at you.
For whatever reason you thought i was namedropping you to get clout in the server... laughable.
I explained this. You don't understand it still. It's fine.

Lastly, Thanks to Ice for trying like hell to keep this community running, and also for helping fix my PC. HTN and Heilig for doing so much to keep the server running. You guys rock.
Tedde for always forking up the $$ to keep the server paid for!
That is the first time you have actually outright said that in public and mentioned all the names in one spot. And it took all this to get someone to say that? Unbelievable.

It isn't that long of a ban and considering all active admins decided it together (with Heilig & I rounding it up), I assure you it wasn't out of spite. Rather that it was just needed, from you living up to your name I'm afraid.

Anyway, if you truly don't come back, I do sincerely wish you the best in life.
See that? If I did hate you, I'd have said something snarky or obstreperous about / to you.

Ice, I have said many times that your system is not perfect, and the same goes for admins.

I know that you (and other admins) don't like me. Give me a ban for a year, but bring this guy back now. How do you like this exchange?
No. Because you at times take responsibility which shows understanding of what happened . Besides you haven't done anything wrong to deserve it. Regarding us not liking you, that's not entirely accurate. Even though you have compared us to Hitlers Reich and called my fellow Leader a Nazi.

what shoud that ?
Why should other players be preferred?
It's only 4 weeks!

Why does everyone cry
Lone Wolf carries common sense into the forum! I'm so proud of him!!

Regards to everything reading this,
Local time
9:20 AM
Oct 20, 2016
Reaction score
Ice, I have said many times that your system is not perfect, and the same goes for admins.

I know that you (and other admins) don't like me. Give me a ban for a year, but bring this guy back now. How do you like this exchange?
Our actions are not in relation on who we like or not. If we see people breaking rules or players are being reported and we can see the rule breaking in the logs, we take action. I don't see a problem in this system, that's right.

P.S.: We never do such deals, why should we? If that is your preferred system, I'm happy we're having the current one.
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