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Ban: LoNe WoLf[Ger]

Local time
12:40 AM
Jan 6, 2021
Reaction score
South Africa
Real Name
Player's Name: LoNe WoLf[Ger]

Admin's Name: IceSkater | Reported

Rule(s) Broken: Main Raping

Action Taken: 1 Week Ban

Video Evidence: No

Chatlogs: Yes

Chatlog Evidence:
There is substantial proof within the event logs.

In a nutshell and to avoid spamming this ban topic, this is what it came down to:

For the purpose of this, I will look at what team Lone was on prior to the incident.

This the his spawn event prior to the incident, indicating he spawned on team 1 (NVA).
<bf:event name="spawnEvent" timestamp="179.917">
    <bf:param type="int" name="player_id">8</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="vec3" name="player_location">1192.24/42.223/1198.16</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="int" name="team">1</bf:param>

Going forward, here is Lone (ID 8) getting into the Cobra at the USA Main:
<bf:event name="enterVehicle" timestamp="429.888">
    <bf:param type="int" name="player_id">8</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="vec3" name="player_location">969.54/43.0577/445.053</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="string" name="vehicle">Cobra</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="int" name="pco_id">0</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="int" name="is_default">0</bf:param>

The location is quite literally the Cobra spawn point.

He then proceeds to destroy the Loach:
<bf:event name="destroyVehicle" timestamp="435.788">
    <bf:param type="int" name="player_id">8</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="vec3" name="player_location">1002.8/59.6144/464.803</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="string" name="vehicle">OH-6</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="vec3" name="vehicle_pos">990.656/42.98/445.056</bf:param>

Again, the Loach was in it's spawn point.

Then destroys a jeep:
<bf:event name="destroyVehicle" timestamp="443.289">
    <bf:param type="int" name="player_id">8</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="vec3" name="player_location">931.732/82.9028/445.971</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="string" name="vehicle">USMarineA1</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="vec3" name="vehicle_pos">984.73/43.2776/442.404</bf:param>

And then kills a player here:
<bf:event name="scoreEvent" timestamp="443.289">
    <bf:param type="int" name="player_id">8</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="vec3" name="player_location">931.732/82.9028/445.971</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="string" name="score_type">Kill</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="int" name="victim_id">6</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="string" name="weapon">Cobra</bf:param>

This event happened within the boundaries of the main as clearly stated in our updated rules page: https://forum.helloclan.eu/bfv/rules

Destroys another jeep:
<bf:event name="destroyVehicle" timestamp="443.289">
    <bf:param type="int" name="player_id">8</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="vec3" name="player_location">931.732/82.9028/445.971</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="string" name="vehicle">USMarineA1</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="vec3" name="vehicle_pos">984.73/43.2776/442.404</bf:param>

Destroys the transport:
<bf:event name="destroyVehicle" timestamp="447.222">
    <bf:param type="int" name="player_id">8</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="vec3" name="player_location">1021.9/77.8466/474.388</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="string" name="vehicle">USMarineB2</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="vec3" name="vehicle_pos">969.171/42.5164/424.266</bf:param>

Get's another kill:
<bf:event name="scoreEvent" timestamp="447.222">
    <bf:param type="int" name="player_id">8</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="vec3" name="player_location">1021.9/77.8466/474.388</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="string" name="score_type">Kill</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="int" name="victim_id">0</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="string" name="weapon">Cobra</bf:param>

Destroys the transport again:
<bf:event name="destroyVehicle" timestamp="447.222">
    <bf:param type="int" name="player_id">8</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="vec3" name="player_location">1021.9/77.8466/474.388</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="string" name="vehicle">USMarineB2</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="vec3" name="vehicle_pos">969.171/42.5164/424.266</bf:param>

Destroys the quad:
<bf:event name="destroyVehicle" timestamp="451.622">
    <bf:param type="int" name="player_id">8</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="vec3" name="player_location">1004.65/93.084/405.814</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="string" name="vehicle">Quad50</bf:param>
    <bf:param type="vec3" name="vehicle_pos">1013/42.103/441.17</bf:param>

And eventually dies.

Now look, Lone Wolf, the logs do not lie. The flags prior to all this happening were not valid for a main raping run.

You are a repeat offender and for now I'm going for the maximum ban time of a week. This will be your second week long ban, the next one will be longer as it will be decided by the administration.

[2022-11-13 17:05:50] LoNe WoLf[Ger]: no on foot
You were not on foot.

Admins Note:
Our rules are our rules and should be respected. You are a long standing player so your actions have no excuse.