Byrd has noticed the Ho Chi Ming Trail, and Cambodian Incursion are not in the map order and Defense of Con Thien is in there twice.
Cashmoney said: "We took them out because people did not like them" (Byrd is slkeptical that this is the case because no complaint about these maps maps were posted on the forums.)
Weather that is the case or not, they should most definately put them back in. First of all the server is called -[HELLO]-Bfr| All Maps for a reason. The name All maps would not be true if even one map was not in the map order (changeing the name to fit the removed maps would give publicity to the fake server. Don't Believe me? Well find out for yourself, i have seen the excact same thing ruin servers.). Also it doesnt matter if SOME people hate it, because everymap is hated by some people. As well, other might love those maps, like byrd for example. Takeing out maps just because a few people who acually have a forum account hate it is not a goood reason to take it out. Also, if the reason was that hate some people hate the map, they should suck it up, the reason most likeley is part of the game. With out those maps, HELLO doesnt feel right, you should put those maps back in.
Cashmoney said: "We took them out because people did not like them" (Byrd is slkeptical that this is the case because no complaint about these maps maps were posted on the forums.)
Weather that is the case or not, they should most definately put them back in. First of all the server is called -[HELLO]-Bfr| All Maps for a reason. The name All maps would not be true if even one map was not in the map order (changeing the name to fit the removed maps would give publicity to the fake server. Don't Believe me? Well find out for yourself, i have seen the excact same thing ruin servers.). Also it doesnt matter if SOME people hate it, because everymap is hated by some people. As well, other might love those maps, like byrd for example. Takeing out maps just because a few people who acually have a forum account hate it is not a goood reason to take it out. Also, if the reason was that hate some people hate the map, they should suck it up, the reason most likeley is part of the game. With out those maps, HELLO doesnt feel right, you should put those maps back in.