Hello Turk, & Turk,
Please note that map voting has been tried, tested, removed, tried, tested and removed a few times. Starting from before I left, to when Rus was here and then when I came back as well.
When it's on, it's complained about.
When it's off, it's complained about.
To try stop all that, a few attempts at making it easier came in:
In this thread, I tried to kill two birds with one stone by removing the less "popular" maps, and including map voting. With the server running on a schedule of fewer maps in the week and all maps on the weekend. You can see how that ended.
This thread basically sums up how it was going ultimately.
This thread debated removing map voting and using a time limit.
This thread was made for feedback etc for Map Voting, Friendly Fire etc.
There are numerous other topics that kinda discuss this topic. Please feel free to comb over them here:
I honestly have given up on the map voting because whatever is done, there is always a group that is not happy about the change that gets made to suit the situation. Map voting is enabled on the Mission Possible server, it has all the maps on our near vanilla server just with Pip's own take on how maps should be played.
I've been blasted for polling and changing things with regard to map voting and I grew tired of it. Apparently it's been over discussed time and again so I ended all of it by leaving it off. I've kept the settings that "most" players are happy with and as a result there has been a giant decline in complaints of server settings.
This time, I say nothing further than this response on this topic.

Everyone may speak for themselves as I always encourage, if a change is wanted and it's not a major one we can try it.