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  1. DrMoog

    New member (DrMoog) wants to play

    Greetings, HelloClan! Thanks for letting me join! I played Battlefield Vietnam, mostly Multiplayer, almost 20 years ago, when the game was new. I also played BF1942 online, but preferred BFV. My online handle is DrMoog, and I will look forward to seeing if I recognize some of your names on...
  2. [U-H] Get-Lucky

    Loss of important information from battlefield vietnam

    I have bad news, this website that gives information to edit your bfv from its directory files, has been down for half a year, where is there another place where you can see the commands and tutorials to edit the .con files? https://tweakguides.pcgamingwiki.com/BFV_7.html (its version in bf1942...
  3. [U-H] Get-Lucky

    Does anyone know how to use the N.V.A. faction shovel?

    Oh god, for some reason when I try to use the shovel, (which I don't know what it's for either) it just doesn't appear in my hands, how do I make it work? (upload screenshots to illustrate better, but it won't let me upload it to the page xd)
  4. m@gic =d][b=

    Can we stop this allready?

    HELLO everyone! Getting tired of some BS! I do not hack! I dont need to hack, there are NO HAX for a chopper!!! Getting tired of hacking accusations.. Mostly from infantry guys who dont think choppers see anything, but you are wrong! Being a good pilot is not so much to have a good aim, but...
  5. stargate2

    More pro stuff! and votes!

    Votes coming back would be nice. sometimes server dies when maps wander low on the list and only a few players are around. is it possible to only be able to cast a vote say each 15mins instead of 3? A few new vids on youtube. - watch it, learn from it, evolve your skillset, or dont! :) View...
  6. stargate2

    Stargate Vs Magic! Epic air combat!

    Stargate Vs Magic! View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Q332iaN6VU
  7. stargate2

    BFV now in Telegram!

    BFV now in Telegram! Instant messaging, anything regarding the best game ever BFV! Join in Telegram and talk to eachother freely. Cordinate when to play etc... https://t.me/BattlefieldVietnam Its free, its fast, its Vietnam! Pls join!
  8. x4|Al Gore

    Tina is back

    Tina was missing in action since June. She is back with vengeance. Her monitor was broken and now her PC speakers are not working. But broken speakers cannot stop a BFV-diehard right? So she is playing with headphones. I noticed improved skills and higher kill score. She has a new found love...
  9. IceSkater

    [BFV] Forcepack Event

    HELLO Battlefield Vietnam community! The time has come for as special and different event! We are not using a mod this time, but instead using the famous Forcepack add on. This event is courtesy of @agathyus. Take a look at what it's about! When? Event date: May 15th 2021 Event time: 6PM...