Unfortunately we currently have an admin who quite franky enjoys kicking and banning more than the actual gameplay itself. Iv seen myself twice in the last 2 weeks there being 8 people on the server- have the need to start a disruption and kick players "because of the rules" when everyone was...
Sir may i kindly ask what player or players are you referring to that is of an age where potty mouth words are no bueno? Seems that everyone in the game is at least 25 years old and has been playing this for half a decade. Average age on server has gotta be pushing 50 ??
oh and as always...
mhmm doesn't appear that anyone here has any idea what they are talking about. its not a program at all. all you gotta do to achieve it is spam the right keys really fast but hey what do i know
No no No No No Absolutely no. Gotta keep those maps spaced out through the rotation. Server would be empty after those maps are done if they were back to back. Enabling map vote would mean Hastings/dart 24/7 so just no.
Camnoobia and Ho Chi maps are broken, both only last an average of 7 minutes. (yes iv been timing them the last few times they played) . The bleed is set to ridiculously high and needs to be drastically reduced. they are solid maps that provide a different style of play and its a shame we only...
Back in the day if your team was getting smoked ya either dealt with it or you improved your gameplay and came up with ways to change the situation. I get the whole no mainraping thing but to propose anything further than that is preposterous and going to continue softening whats left of the bfv...
Hi this is Bee from many moons ago. Recently put some effort into getting around my bfv not working and finally got back on the server. Just wondering when are the good times to play and how many people get on the server at a time still?
Thanks, Bee
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