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HelloClan Staff Guidelines

HelloClan Staff Guidelines


In an effort to make clear what is expected of HelloClan staff, we have their agreed guidelines made public here. This details what information they have access to and or where they may have access to said information. Because this is used prior to onboarding, certain sections may have a special note and be worded as if speaking to a future staff member.

If staff are breaking any terms of their guidelines, please report them by clicking here.

Private & Confidential Information​

As a HelloClan staff member, access is granted to a great deal of identifying information relating to players & members. This information is extremely sensitive and there is simply no excuse for letting it slip out of private spaces.

Such info is as follows:

• IP Addresses
Viewable by Game Server Admins (via Remote Manager Software & Tickets)
Viewable by Games Manager (via Remote Manager Software, Tickets & server logs)
Viewable by Leadership (via Remote Manager Software, Tickets, forum & server logs)
Viewable by Technician (via server logs, Tickets & forum)

• Keyhashes
Viewable by Game Server Admins (via Remote Manager Software)
Viewable by Games Manager (via Remote Manager Software, Tickets & server logs)
Viewable by Leadership (via Remote Manager Software & server logs)
Viewable by Technician (via server logs)

• Email Addresses
Viewable by Game Server Admins (via Tickets & correspondence)
Viewable by Games Manager (via Tickets & correspondence)
Viewable by Leadership (via forum, Tickets & correspondence)
Viewable by Technician (via forum, Tickets & correspondence)

This information is not available to non-staff members, as such it not shared publicly in any shape or form. It may be shared via the staff forums or respective admin forums for comment and cross-referencing.

On top of the mentioned above, staff members will have access to and be involved in the following forums / channels:

• Staff forum
• Relevant Admin forum

As well as the relevant sections on Discord. The mentioned forums & channels are privy to the relevant eyes of staff only. What is discussed in these forums/channels may not be shared with the general public unless approved by Leadership for public use.

Expected Conduct​

As a HelloClan staff member, you are representing this community, fellow staff members, leadership & owner. This means that your actions will reflect on the rest of HelloClan.

As a HelloClan staff member, you are expected to set an example of what our community further represents, as such you are expected to follow all the rules of all our platforms when using them.

We try to maintain a very high standard in terms of giving respect and receiving it in turn. Thus it is expected of HelloClan staff to act in a professional manner and not reduce themselves in standing if someone get's on one's nerves. In such instances, it is best to take a break and return later with a calmer mind. Do not act in the heat of the moment as that is when mistakes are made.

Maintaining Staff Status​

Staff input is heavily relied upon, as such it is a requirement that staff members maintain their activity on the platforms that concern them. As highlighted below:

• Game Managers
Relevant game and Forum or Discord

• Game Server Admins
Remote Manager and Forum or Discord

• Social Managers
Platform relevant i.e. Facebook and Forum or Discord

It is the responsibility of all staff to stay up to date with important staff-related or HelloClan-related topics. These are primarily pushed on the forum however shared and pinged on Discord to notify relevant staff members.


Any staff member that has been inactive for a month's period in either (or both) examples mentioned above will be removed without exception. However, if notice is submitted that inactivity will occur, this can be avoided but not indefinitely.

Game Server Admin Guidelines​

This pertains specifically to how the Remote Manager tool is used by an Admin as well as small other details.

• Warnings
These must be the Yellow admin text warnings when used. Issuing warnings as a player is allowed, but they must still be done "officially" using the Yellow admin text.

• Admin Chat
The Yellow admin text may only be used to address situations with players or extract further information. The occasional "greeting" to players is allowed. However, full on general chat using the Yellow admin text is not allowed.

• Changing Maps
Maps can be changed by an Admin as long as there is a majority vote in favor for it. Bearing in mind players each have their own favorites. As such, it must be a majority vote in favor.


Following procedure of a kick (player comes back, breaks a rule again) then ban, an Admin must make a ban topic within 24hrs of the ban being made.

• Evidence & Other Info
It is not compulsory to have evidence when dealing with in-game offenses. As an Admin is personally witnessing and dealing with the situation in-game. However, if additional information is required it may be obtained via the event logs by Leadership.

When providing chat logs in a ban topic, it is required to remove any IP addresses & keyhashes from the chat log published to the public domain.

If a player is reported, there must be sufficient evidence to prove it is a valid report.

• Ban Times
Minimum ban times are 24hrs (round ban is available in certain cases). However, Admins may use their discretion and judge the situation accordingly. Admins may re-visit the ban history of a player to ascertain if the player is a repeat offender.

Bans longer than a week is to be decided with all relevant Admins.

Breaches of Conduct​

If a player or member breaks community (platform rules i.e. game server, forum/ discord) rules, they are giving a punishment. If a HelloClan staff member breaks the rules/guidelines, there is also a punishment.

• First time
Should a HelloClan staff member perform actions that breach the guidelines outlined here that is perceived as deliberately malicious or regularly repeated, they will receive a warning that states what the staff member did wrong and how they should be conducting themselves. This may come with a period of suspension where they'll be expected to read both these guidelines and community rules again in order to re-familiarize themselves with the environment they're a part of.

• Second time
Should a HelloClan Staff member breach the guidelines after their warning, they will find themselves removed from their position permanently.

• Different scenarios
In cases where a HelloClan staff member breaks our community rules (special cases if the staff member is in charge of said platform i.e. forum / discord / game server) to a severe degree or perform a serious breach of their position, no warning will have to be issued prior to their immediate and permanent removal.

First release
Last update
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