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Gametracker Notifier App for Android

Gametracker Notifier App for Android 1.1

What is this?

After some of our members desired some kind of information/notification, if there are players on one of our servers, HTN started to design an app for Android-Users. This app notifies you, if a certain amount of players are online on a server listed at gametracker. (https://www.gametracker.com/)

How is this working?

It's very easy. Just install the app and insert the gametracker-link of any server you want. For our servers the following:

Battlefield Vietnam Main Server: https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/
Battlefield 1942 Desert Combat: https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/
Battlefield 1942 COOP 24/7: https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/

This is how the app looks like:


You can insert the link of the server on the top. Then, you can insert the number of players when you want to receive a notification on your smartphone.

Some gametracker-servers do have Bots. If you want them to count as players, activate the first silder. The second slider allows you to decide, if you want to check the player-count when you're in a Wifi. This app opens the gametracker website around every 15 minutes, so it will use your mobile-internet otherwise. To activate the notification, tick on the third slider.

Besides this, there are two buttons:
- "Visit URL": It opens the gametacker-website of the inserted server.
- "Save changes": If you're changing any settings, click on this Button.


Sometimes it is necessary to deactivate the Battery optimization for this app to make it work properly!

1. Click on battery optimization:

2. Select all apps

3. Click on Gametracker notifier and select "Don't optimize"

Why is this app not available at the app-store / for iOS-Systems?

Unfortunately, placing an app in the app-store requires a monthly fee. We are thankful, that HTN even designed this app for Android-Users so of course we don't want to ask him to pay for that.

The app is not working properly?

If something else is not working or if you've got some questions, please do not hesitate to contact @htn or @HeiligWahrheit.
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