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Downloading Discord & Creating An Account

Downloading Discord & Creating An Account


Discord is like TeamSpeak, only newer and more versatile. That is why we moved over to it. There, we chat both via voice and text. We make new friends and get to know one another on it. It's a nicer way of getting to know who you are playing with.

To make things easier, I have devised these guides to help you through if you need assistance.


Link: https://discord.com/download

Click on the above link and it will take you to Discord's download page. For most people, you would choose the "Download for Windows" option as shown below:


Once downloaded, simply install it like a normal program by double clicking on the downloaded file and following the prompts.


Creating an account:

Once you have installed Discord, it should automatically have started, if it has not please start the app. It will open up and show you this:


If you by some chance already have a Discord account, you can skip all this and head straight over to Joining & navigating our Discord server. Though, you likely don't have an account. So let's make one!

Creating an account with Discord is free and a must. Most (including ours) Discord servers have strict moderation that forbids temporary accounts to access them. This type of moderation is there to protect us all from spammers. Thus you have to create an account to join.

Click on the "Register" option and you will see this:


To sign up, you need to enter the following accordingly:

  • A valid email address - you can get a free one if you need from Google, Yahoo or Microsoft.
  • A username - remember to be unique!
  • A password (duh, because security).
  • Your date of birth, this is to protect minors if some servers have a NSFW section.

Once that info is all filled out, click on "Continue" and you will be signed in! It will look like this:


You will receive a email from Discord to the address that you entered, you need to click on the link inside this email to verify your email. If you want, I'll happily be your first friend! Click on the "Add Friend" button as seen above and enter my username: IceSkater#5440

That is it! Welcome to Discord!

If you are feeling adventurous and don't want to read the Joining & navigating our Discord server topic, you can join our server immediately by click on this link:

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