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HelloClan Membership Rules

HelloClan Membership Rules

If you are in HelloClan for one game, you can't be in another clan for the same game.​

Want to be a double agent? Well I'm afraid you'll have to find a different side. As much fun as realism can be, when it involves clans it can go a step too far, joining multiple clans is one of those steps. If you want to join HelloClan then go ahead, but don't join us if you are in, or planning on joining, another clan at the same time for the same game.

Sure you're a member?​

We know American servicemen were drafted into the Vietnam war, but that's not how our clan works. Why? Because we like giving people a choice. If you want to join please post your application in the appropriate forum. Links for joining these games can be found at the bottom of this page.

When you make your application, please ensure you use all the required fields. If you are not a member of our clan, but have our tags, you will make our Admins somewhat disgruntled.

Follow the clanwar rules in clanwars.​

Volunteered to participate in a clan war? Or maybe you were drafted in as a result of your excellent service in the past? Either way rules are rules and as always, breaking rules leads to sanctions, but don't worry, we won't shoot you. When in clan wars follow the rules set out, if the clanwar organizers say no napalm, don't go raining sticky fire on the enemies as when in a clan war you are not just you, you are HelloClan.

Wear your HelloClan tag when playing on our platforms.​

Why? Simple, without your tag are you really one of us? How can we tell? If you went to war not wearing your uniform chances are you would not be treated as a soldier, the same applies here, minus the searches, potential imprisonment or accidental deaths. A tag, much like a uniform, is a sign of pride and removing your tag is like leaving the clan and I'm sure that is not your intention, right? That's the assumption we'll make, though.

In games that don't allow editing of usernames, please ensure you are either part of our club in the respective game (where applicable) or ensure that you have your Clan Member role on our Discord server and the HelloClan Member title on our site.

HelloClan members are expected to be loyal to the clan.​

In real war soldiers who are not loyal are usually locked up, take Bradley Manning for instance. Now while we will not do the same to you we would prefer it if you decided to leave the clan before insulting us. It is also better for your reputation should you decide to join another clan. If you wish to resign from the clan please post so here.

HelloClan members are expected to follow the rules.​

The laws of war are expected to be followed by everyone, yes HelloClan member, you too. Just because you now have a clan doesn't mean the rules no longer apply to you, you are no more immune than any of the other players so if you decide to mass murder your team mates or throw about racial slurs your HelloClan tag will not act like a shield.

In games that we personally do not host servers for, you are expected to follow their rules if you are part of our group for said game.

Above all else, HelloClan members should act with maturity.​

As a HelloClan member, you are representing our clan. As a result, the actions you take in-game is an action on behalf of the clan. We ask that you act with maturity and set a good example for us as a HelloClan member.

In a worst case scenario, if you decide to go on a racial rant, you are setting an example of what the rest of the clan is like. Needless to say, doing such a thing will result in immediate termination of your membership, with a possible ban if the situation calls for it.
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