Wish you wouldn't leave us. There are so few left.
Tedde pays for the server. Auto bill pay, as far as i know. That and others donating money as the feel.
Youre right, one day this server will disappear and along with it all of us die hard hold outs.
you can spend time with the kids and...
Hey Sap, would sure be awesome to see you ingame again.
Would you join us?
I actually stopped in on this thread because i was thinking that you must be a music DJ and you work for the radio.
Heheh 35 pages on this thread, that is quite impressive my man.
And then i started actually going thru...
You were ingame today choppin it up. Is it because of the laggy players you spoke of, making it difficult to shoot?
I hope not as You have one of the best pings in the game, its just a matter of timing and leading your shots against high pingers.
Either way, I am sorry to see you leave. Take...
yessir, its all been washed. not sure why the ban after votekick, but it is what it is.
And Pinky, you dont think it would be a nice option for the admins to be able to see whos abusing the votekick?
Votekick needs to be enabled for afkrs.... but is there ANYWAY to track who initiates the votekicks that are being abused.
I was votekicked today while playing. people just vote yes when you kick their butts, but idrc about that.
however it would be nice to be able to track and punish those who...
It only speaks to your character.
I played a round myself and had a standard 50-15 round with homie recording from spectate in Rec Hue, not one vote to kick me.
Maybe its your approach. I can literally join at anytime and not have a vote kick against me. idk. The mask only lasts for so long.
the first statement is true, M79 is a legitimate weapon of the original bfv game.
the "exploit" part comes in the form of removing friendly fire and splash damage so that the M79r can run around and fire the weapon at his or her feet and incur no bodily harm to him/herself, BUT kills the person...
I remember when Pinky used to cry non stop and accuse me of hacking. As he himself Used to issue the votekick against me because he couldnt compete. Constantly a vote kick being issued by the crying players against good players.
Bro cried to all the admins trying to have me banned.
I was watched...
As for the vote topic, I will vote (Yes)
It seems as though the HELLO server needs all the nooby tweeks it can get these days.
Friendly fire off so no splash damage to m79 foot shooting, absolutely YES to vote kick
what is the average headcount in the server daily?
curious, because we are discussing changing the game again and again to suit the needs of a few people. I understand the importance on the voting system for certain things.
but now we are just voting to vote and mold the last damn server thats...
why not ??? lets just play hastings and dart 24/7
keep friendly fire disabled for the guys that hate infantry maps, and enable voting so the helo pilots can fly everyday anytime they log in and screw the rest of the maps on the server and everyone else that wants to play them.
fk it, lets just...
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